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This section is for beginners who have no knowledge of Excel Macros or VBA. By end of this session you will be able to Record and Run a Macro and be able to accept the Inputs from the user and show the Popup Messages.

Please follow the same order as given below, it is easy to learn Excel VBA if you follow this order. Since we are explaining these topics with clear examples. And each topic may have link or refer the examples of the previous topics. Hence it is better to follow the same order.


» Introduction to VBA
» Getting Started with VBA
» VBA Environment
» Recording a Macro
» Writing Your First VBA Macro- Hello World!
» Debugging VBA Code
» Accepting Values (Input Box) & Popup Messages (Message Box)
» Modifying and Commenting Macros or VBA Code
» Executing a Macro
» Macro Security
» Learn Macros with Examples – 15 Basic Macros for Absolute Beginners

Downloads and Useful links

» Macro to color the selected Cell

» 15 Excel VBA Macros for Absolute Beginners:
Examples Files is available to download. You can download and explore the examples to start with Excel Macros. We have provided very basic and simple example to deal with basic things of your Excel Tasks.

Useful Links
» Shortcut Keys & Tips
» Excel Limitations and Specifications
» Excel Downloads

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Categories: Excel VBATags: , Last Updated: December 31, 2012


  1. Rakesh August 6, 2014 at 11:38 AM - Reply

    I’d like to have a macro, called Macro1, for example, run every day at 9 AM. It works great on its own from the VB code editor in Access 2010 but I would like it to be able to execute automatically without access being open

  2. PNRao August 17, 2014 at 11:19 AM - Reply

    Hi Rakesh,
    We can not schedule the macros in Excel, instead you can use Windows task scheduler and run the Excel macros using VBScript.


  3. Balaji February 24, 2015 at 3:28 PM - Reply

    hello sir, I required Exam seating arrangement vb coding in excel using Room no, Roll no, Date as inputs

  4. Vasu March 20, 2015 at 12:51 AM - Reply

    Hello Sir,

    Please help on this.

    I have set a protection setting in my Thisworkbook, this settings are for different tabs in same workbook with Workbook_Open event.

    Now I want to move all the setting code to other module but I see the event is not working now. This is because of the code moved to module. please suggest me a solution to move this code to different module and setting should applied while book opened.


  5. PNRao March 21, 2015 at 3:05 PM - Reply

    Hi Vasu,

    You can use the below auto run macro in any module to trigger the procedure while opening the workbook.

    Sub Auto_Open()
    'Your code here
        MsgBox "Auto Open Event"
    End Sub


  6. irfan June 7, 2016 at 4:44 PM - Reply

    i need help to run macro,i have two excels in folder, first workbook having different sheets these sheets having cellid with this cell id i need to vlookup with another workbook which having area and zone,my question is to open a new excel with first wokbook data with sheets and vlookup with area and zone data with another workbook and first workbook data is different each daybut cells are available in another workbook,please check.

  7. srinivas January 7, 2017 at 5:50 PM - Reply

    Hello sir
    Please help on this

    i prepare attendance sheet in excel format cell one to cell six type “p” because there is no absent hence this employee get weekly incentive this identification is
    first cells to six cells continues “p” then seventh cell is automatic display “wp”
    please help this vba code

  8. Abrar May 18, 2017 at 11:39 AM - Reply

    U don’t need to use VBA, just formulate the 7th Column

  9. Amit more September 15, 2017 at 1:51 PM - Reply

    I want to open more than one excel from particular folder. could you please help me for coding. just open and select range a3.

  10. Haricharan sharma April 27, 2018 at 11:39 AM - Reply

    I have to copy paste from sheet 1 to cell A2, B2, C2, D2, E2, F2, G2 in Data Sheet 2 in cell E8 E9 H9 E10 D15 I15 H10. What will be the VBA CODE for this Please help me

  11. mahesh February 13, 2019 at 10:37 PM - Reply

    Hai sir,

    How to fill a offline data entry form using excel macros.
    please help me

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