Folder and File Handling in Excel VBA Examples help you to create, delete,copy,move files and folder. And customize File or Folder dialog Box using VBA.
- Check if Folder Exists using Excel VBA
- Opening Folders using VBA Excel
- Creating Folders in Excel VBA
- Copying Folders From One Location to Another in Excel VBA
- Move Folder From One Location to Another in Excel VBA
- Deleting Folders in VBA Excel
- Make File Read Only in VBA Excel
- Copy all Excel Files One Folder to Another in VBA Excel
- Opening Files Using File Dialog Box in Excel VBA
- Customize File or Folder Dialog Box in VBA Excel
- Excel VBA File Dialog Box – Displaying Vanilla Dialog Box to Pick Files
Check if Folder Exists using Excel VBA
'In this Example I am checking if "C:Temp" exits Sub sbCheckingIfAFolderExists() Dim FSO Dim sFolder As String sFolder = "C:Temp" ' You can Specify Any Folder To Check It Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If FSO.FolderExists(sFolder) Then MsgBox "Specified Folder Is Available", vbInformation, "Exists!" Else MsgBox folder &"Specified Folder Not Found", vbInformation, "Not Found!" End If End Sub
Opening Folders using VBA Excel
'In this Example I am Opening a Folder ("C:Temp") Sub sbOpeningAFolder() Dim FSO Dim sFolder As String sFolder = "C:Temp" 'You can specify your Folder which you wants to Open Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If Not FSO.FolderExists(sFolder) Then MsgBox "Specified Folder Not Found", vbInformation, "Folder Not Found!" ElseIf FSO.FolderExists(sFolder) Then Call Shell("explorer.exe " &sFolder, vbNormalFocus) End If End Sub
Creating Folders in Excel VBA
'In this Example I am creating a Folder "C:SampleFolder" Sub sbCreatingAFolder() Dim FSO Dim sFolder As String sFolder= "C:SampleFolder" ' You can Specify Any Path and Name To Create a Folder Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If Not FSO.FolderExists(sFolder) Then FSO.CreateFolder (sFolder) 'Checking if the same Folder already exists MsgBox "New FolderCreated Successfully", vbExclamation, "Done!" Else MsgBox "Specified Folder Already Exists", vbExclamation, "Folder Already Exists!" End If End Sub
Copying Folders From One Location to Another in Excel VBA
'In this Example I am Coping "C:Temp" to "D:Job" Sub sbCopyingAFolder() Dim FSO Dim sFolder As String, dFolder As String sFolder = "C:Temp" 'Specify Your Source Folder dFolder = "D:Job" ' Specify Your Destination Folder Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If Not FSO.FolderExists(dFolder) Then FSO.CopyFolder sFolder, dFolder MsgBox "Folder Copied Successfully to The Destination", vbExclamation, "Done!" Else MsgBox "Folder Already Exists in the Destination", vbExclamation, "Folder Already Exists!" End If End Sub
Move Folder From One Location to Another in Excel VBA
'In this Example I am Moving "C:Temp" to "D:Job" Sub sbMovingAFolder() Dim FSO Dim sFolder As String, dFolder As String sFolder = "C:Temp" 'Specify Your Source Folder dFolder = "D:Job" ' Specify Your Destination Folder Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If Not FSO.FolderExists(dFolder) Then FSO.MoveFolder sFolder, dFolder MsgBox "Folder Moved Successfully to The Destination", vbExclamation, "Done!" Else MsgBox "Folder Already Exists in the Destination", vbExclamation, "Folder Already Exists!" End If End Sub
Deleting Folders in VBA Excel
'In this Example I am Deleting "C:SampleFolder" Sub sbDeletingAFolder() Dim FSO Dim sFolder As String sFolder = "C:SampleFolder" 'Specify Your Folder Which You Wants to Delete Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If FSO.FolderExists(sFolder) Then FSO.DeleteFolder sFolder MsgBox "Specified Folder Deleted Successfully", vbExclamation, "Done!" Else MsgBox "Specified Folder Not Found", vbExclamation, "Not Found!" End If End Sub
Make File Read Only in VBA Excel
Sub sbMakeFileReadOnly() Dim strSaveFilename As String Dim oFSO As Object Dim oFile As Object sFile = "C:ExampleFile.xls" 'Your File name and Path to make it read only 'Create Objects Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set oFile = oFSO.GetFile(FilePath:=sFile) 'Set file to be read-only oFile.Attributes = 1 'Releasing Objects If Not oFSO Is Nothing Then Set oFSO = Nothing If Not oFile Is Nothing Then Set oFile = Nothing End Sub
Copy all Excel Files One Folder to Another in VBA Excel
'In this Example I am Coping all excel files from one Folder ("C:Temp") to another Folder ("D:Job") Sub sbCopyingAllExcelFiles() Dim FSO Dim sFolder As String Dim dFolder As String sFolder = "C:Temp" ' change to match the source folder path dFolder = "D:Job" ' change to match the destination folder path Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If Not FSO.FolderExists(sFolder) Then MsgBox "Source Folder Not Found", vbInformation, "Source Not Found!" ElseIf Not FSO.FolderExists(dFolder) Then MsgBox "Destination Folder Not Found", vbInformation, "Destination Not Found!" Else FSO.CopyFile (sFolder & "*.xl*"), dFolder MsgBox "Successfully Copied All Excel Files to Destination", vbInformation, "Done!" End If End Sub
Opening Files Using File Dialog Box in Excel VBA
Solution: You can get the file name using file dialog and open it by using Workbooks.Open method
Sub OpenWorkbookUsingFileDialog() Dim fdl As FileDialog Dim FileName As String Dim FileChosen As Integer Set fdl = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker) 'Set the caption of the dialog box, fdl.Title = "Please Select a Excel Macro File" 'Set the InitialFile Path fdl.InitialFileName = "c:" 'Set the Folder View fdl.InitialView = msoFileDialogViewSmallIcons 'Set the filter fdl.Filters.Clear fdl.Filters.Add "Excel Macros Files", "*.xlsm" FileChosen = fdl.Show If FileChosen <> -1 Then 'Not choosen anything / Clicked on CANCEL MsgBox "You have choosen nothing" Else 'display name and complete path of file chosen MsgBox fdl .SelectedItems(1) End If FileName = fdl.SelectedItems(1) 'Open the File Workbooks.Open (FileName) End Sub
Customize File or Folder Dialog Box in VBA Excel
Solution: You can set differ properties of the file-dialog box to look more prettier
Sub CustomizingFileDialog() Dim fdl As FileDialog Dim FileChosen As Integer Set fdl = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker) 'Set the caption of the dialog box, fdl.Title = "Please Select a Excel Macro File" 'Set the InitialFile Path ' determine the initial folder selected fdl.InitialFileName = "c:" 'Set the Folder View fdl.InitialView = msoFileDialogViewSmallIcons 'Set the filter fdl.Filters.Clear fdl.Filters.Add "Excel Macros Files", "*.xlsm" FileChosen = fdl.Show If FileChosen <> -1 Then 'Not choosen anything / Clicked on CANCEL MsgBox "You have choosen nothing" Else 'display name and complete path of file chosen MsgBox fdl.SelectedItems(1) End If End Sub
Excel VBA File Dialog Box – Displaying Vanilla Dialog Box to Pick Files
Solution: You can use Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker) method
Sub ChooseFileUsingFileDialog() Dim fld As FileDialog Dim FileChosen As Integer Set fld = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker) FileChosen = fld.Show If FileChosen <> -1 Then 'Not choosen anything / Clicked on CANCEL MsgBox "You have choosen nothing" Else 'display name and complete path of file chosen MsgBox fld.SelectedItems(1) EndIf End Sub
I am trying the Opening A Folder Code but i am getting a syntax error on the below line
Elself Not FSO.FolderExists(dfol) Then
Please assist
Thanks in advance
Hi Paul,
Sorry! It was a mistake, I have corrected it, please check the updated code.
These are great examples but how about copying multiple file folders (and its contents) to multiple locations that are specified in the excel worksheet.
Lets say that column A is the file (or source) that we want to move and column B is the new location (the destination) that we want the folder (and its contents) to be copied into.
Then the next row would be a different source and destination from that one and so on. I’m working on a formula, hopefully it may work but if you have something created I would love to see it.
I am having the exact same problem, did you manage to find a solution?
Try this:
Sub sbCopyFoldersFromSourceToDestination()
‘This will copy folders from a given source path to a destination path
‘The source folder list will be defined by the named range “src”
‘The destination path will be in the adjacent cell to the right of the the source path (+1 column)
‘e.g. if the the source folder paths are in range A2:A5 the destination paths need to be in range B2:B5
‘***Note this will overwrite any files/folders without warning! ***
‘Add an FSO.FolderExists(sDestinationPath) IF statement if you want to check the folder exists before overwriting
Dim sSourcePath As String, sDestinationPath As String
Dim oCell
Set FSO = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
For Each oCell In Range(“src”) ‘loop through the range and get the file paths
sSourcePath = oCell ‘source file path
sDestinationPath = oCell.Offset(0, 1) ‘destination file path in the nect column
FSO.CopyFolder sSourcePath, sDestinationPath ‘copy the folder
Next oCell
MsgBox “Successfully Copied All Folders to Destination”, vbInformation, “Done!”
End Sub
how to create folder with user given name instead stead of one name
Hi Ajay,
Please find the below code.
thanks a lot, it was very useful.
Hello All,
I want to display the path of the file selected in the text box.
The path is stored in a variable I created i.e. mypath
I want to display the path in the text box.
strFilePath=”Your filepath” ‘ This is your file path
TextBox1.Text=strFilePath ‘This will place your file path in the textbox named TextBox1.
Hope this helps.
I am trying to move folder from D:PENDRIVEsolution” to D:CameraNew folder” but when I am using your above mentioned code then it is showing error folder already exists, however folder is not exists in destination folder actually, so please help my out.
Sub sbMovingAFolder()
Dim fso
Dim sFolder As String, dFolder As String
sFolder = “D:PENDRIVEsolution” ‘Specify Your Source Folder
dFolder = “D:CameraNew folder” ‘ Specify Your Destination Folder
Set fso = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
If Not fso.FolderExists(dFolder) Then
fso.MoveFolder sFolder, dFolder
MsgBox “Folder Moved Successfully to The Destination”, vbExclamation, “Done!”
MsgBox “Folder Already Exists in the Destination”, vbExclamation, “Folder Already Exists!”
End If
End Sub
I am looking for the code, which will help me to move the converted files from the source location to another location(This should prompt the user to provide the path to create a folder).
Converted file -> different versions….
i want to write a code in vba in MS access to select a particular name using a combo box..can u please suggest me…
These all seem very helpful. Could you please tell me how I could modify the code that makes a user select a file to allow them to select multiple files (from one location) and then loop through each selection so that I can have an action associated with each file?
How can i approach this problem.
I have multiple excel files in different folders in running dates order. There are data within each of those excel files which i want to copy and collate in a single master excel file.
how can this be done?
Thanks for useful examples, I want move or copy a file (which is excel or word and etc) from one folder to another folder. How can this be done?
Thank you. Been working on how to open a folder all day. Your code is what i needed.
Is there a code to close a folder
i want to formula of vba projects for converting amount into words in excel
Yours Faithfully,
vivek talaviya
I want to create a folder with the name that I have selected in the drop down menu of C7 cell in my worksheet. I have a command button named “Create folder” in the same work sheet. When I press this button, the VBA code shall generate a new folder with the name specified in the cell “C7”.
Could you please help?
Sub sbCopyingAllExcelFiles()
Dim sFolder As String
Dim dFolder As String
sFolder = “C:Temp” ‘ change to match the source folder path
dFolder = “D:Job” ‘ change to match the destination folder path
Set FSO = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
If Not FSO.FolderExists(sFolder) Then
MsgBox “Source Folder Not Found”, vbInformation, “Source Not Found!”
ElseIf Not FSO.FolderExists(dFolder) Then
MsgBox “Destination Folder Not Found”, vbInformation, “Destination Not Found!”
FSO.CopyFile (sFolder & “*.xl*”), dFolder
MsgBox “Successfully Copied All Excel Files to Destination”, vbInformation, “Done!”
End If
End Sub
Hi, i have used your above code to copy a particular file in a folder and it is working fine…. but there are many subfolders in a folder in my case and when i enter a particular file name to copy and if it exists in sub folders then it shows that the file not found error.
Please help me with the extended code to search for required files in folder and sub folders and copy in the destination folders.
I need to know if there is VBA code that will allow me to delete files from a specified folder or group of folders based on a list of file names in Excel