Pivot tables in Excel VBA helps us to create summary tables for analyzing our data. We can create different aggregates, change the formats and create the calculated fields. We will see Pivot Table operation using Excel VBA.
Creating Pivot Tables in Excel VBA
This example code will show you how to create Pivot tables using Excel VBA. Instructions are commented in the code to understand the use of each statement.
'Example Data in Sheet1 'Department Region Profit '109 5 119000 '107 3 64000 '109 2 12000 Sub sbCreatePivot() 'Declaration Dim ws As Worksheet Dim pc As PivotCache Dim pt As PivotTable 'Adding new worksheet Set ws = Worksheets.Add 'Creating Pivot cache Set pc = ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(xlDatabase, "Sheet1!R1C1:R10C3") 'Creating Pivot table Set pt = pc.CreatePivotTable(ws.Range("B3")) 'Setting Fields With pt 'set row field With .PivotFields("Department") .Orientation = xlRowField .Position = 1 End With 'set column field With .PivotFields("Region") .Orientation = xlColumnField .Position = 1 End With 'set data field .AddDataField .PivotFields("Profit"), "Sum of Profit", xlSum End With End Sub
Create Pivot Chart using Excel VBA
This example will show you how to create Pivot chart using Pivot table. Instructions are commented in the code.
Sub sbPivotChartInNewSheet() 'declaration Dim pt As PivotTable, ptr As Range, cht As Chart 'If no pivots exit procedure If ActiveSheet.PivotTables.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub 'setting piovot table Set pt = ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1) Set ptr = pt.TableRange1 ' Add a new chart sheet. Set cht = Charts.Add With cht .SetSourceData ptr .ChartType = xlLine End With End Sub
Create Pivot Column Chart using Excel VBA
This is same as the above, the only change is Chart type. So we can use all chart options to Pivot charts.
Sub sbPivotChart() Dim sh As Shape 'If no pivots exit procedure If ActiveSheet.PivotTables.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub 'setting piovot table Set pt = ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1) Set ptr = pt.TableRange1 'Add chart Set sh = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddChart sh.Select With ActiveChart .SetSourceData ptr .ChartType = xl3DColumn End With End Sub
Create Calculated Pivot Field in Excel VBA
We may not to store the calculated fields in the table or Excel worksheet. We can create the calculated field in the Pivot tables as shown below. So that we can save the space and easity manage the and analyse the data.
Sub sbCreateCalculatedField() 'Example Data in Sheet1 'Department Region Profit '109 5 119000 '107 3 64000 '109 2 12000 'Declaration Dim ws As Worksheet Dim pc As PivotCache Dim pt As PivotTable 'Adding new worksheet Set ws = Worksheets.Add 'Creating Pivot cache Set pc = ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(xlDatabase, "Sheet1!R1C1:R10C3") 'Creating Pivot table Set pt = pc.CreatePivotTable(ws.Range("B3")) 'Setting Fields With pt 'set row field With .PivotFields("Department") .Orientation = xlRowField .Position = 1 End With 'set column field With .PivotFields("Region") .Orientation = xlColumnField .Position = 1 End With '***Create Calculated Field .CalculatedFields.Add "Savings", "=Profit*.1" 'set data field .AddDataField .PivotFields("Savings"), "Sum of Savings", xlSum End With End Sub
Hi Valli,
you are so good..
would you be able to demonstrate pivot tables with conditional formatting in vba .
say I would like to format all values in . PivotFields(“Percent of “) for anything between 10 and 25 in red , 20 and 50 in blue and 50 to 75 in yellow.
How would you do this?
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for your comments. I will provide an example ASAP.
Hi Lisa,
I need a quick help. I have a complicated Pivot table, with main status showing on dates for 5 different columns. The date of each column had to be compared with todays date and status of the template say example 1, then as below
as of today(02.05.15) if I look at the column 1 date(01.14.15) and status = 1, I have to mark the cell as RED color.
Please help.
Hi Durga,
You can do this using Conditional formatting. You can also use the below VBA code to check the pivot row labels and highlignt in red if it matches the criteria:
I wanted to creat pvot table, Based on pivot field creteria tab.
for example.In sheet 2 i have pvot feild list Field1–Label1(Geography),Label2-(Industry),Label3-(Sector),Data ColumnsLabel1- (Cost),Label2(Value).In Sheet1 Data which is not constant.The size of the data keep on changing.
How would you do this.
I have a lot of pivots for which show the data for 5 weeks. Now every new week, I have to take the oldest week number out and select the new week in. Is there a VB script to do this?
Hi Vishal,
You can use the below code to loop through the pivot items and select the a Pivot Item:
Please could i know how can i run this program
I have coded to for pivot table I am getting correct table still I want some changes in that
1. same macro using 2nd time than should delet last pivot table
2. I want chnges in pivot table heading color and cell color
3. I need border for pivot table.
4. I want to change “grangd total” to “total work Completed”.
5. I want add comment below pivote table as work completed before 5pm.
Now coded like these
Sub sbCreatePivot()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim pc As PivotCache
Dim pt As PivotTable
‘If “Pivot” worksheet already exists, delete it
On Error Resume Next
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
On Error GoTo 0
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
‘Adding new worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets.Add
‘Creating Pivot cache
Set pc = ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(xlDatabase, “Sheet1!R1C1:R13C8”)
‘Creating Pivot table
Set pt = pc.CreatePivotTable(ws.Range(“B3”))
‘Setting Fields
With pt
‘set row field
With .PivotFields(“Type”)
.Orientation = xlRowField
.Position = 1
End With
‘set data field
.AddDataField .PivotFields(“work count”), ” work count”, xlSum
End With
End Sub
Date from Type IteM# work App weight serial
12/23/2015 x A 2312 1 A 233 31123
12/23/2015 y B 3 2 b 213 123
12/23/2015 z C 21 3 c 313 3123
12/23/2015 n D 321 1 d 13 313
12/23/2015 m E1 12 2 a 13 3
12/23/2015 f B 1231 3 s 13 12
12/23/2015 r C 213 4 s 13 31
12/23/2015 n A 123 2 d 31 3
12/23/2015 e D 13 4 s 2 12
12/23/2015 s F 123 20 d 123 3
12/23/2015 x G 31 2 a 3 12
above table I need colums are Type and work.
Now I am geeting below shown
Row Labels Sum of Work
A 3
B 5
C 7
D 5
E1 2
F 20
G 2
Grand Total 44
can you you help me out to make required changes
data heading are Date, from ,Type, IteM#, work ,App .weight, serial
Pivot table headings are Row Labels, Sum of Work
Hai sir,
i need your help, can u help me i am explain here what i need, actually i am doing a business so i need monthly outstanding report with easily i am using excel for entering details of sales so how can i get each party report i need party name qty of sale totl amount of each date like pls help
Pivot table’s example that given here is so useful to learn. Thanx alot
Hi there,
I am trying to use vba code to select a single field from my pivot then go back to the pivot to select multiple fields from the filter.
Any ideas?
how to select the filter
Hi guys. Need a quick help.
For my monthly reporting , how can I make the pivot to add a new month by itself , as and when a new month raw data is added??
This is very helpful.
I have created a complex pivot table and it works perfectly when I use the code in Excel 2010.
But when I tried the same code in Excel 97-2003, it errors on creating the pivot table.
I wish to create it in Excel 97-2003 because pivot table is easier to format in this version. Please help out. Thank you very much
….correction, I used the code in Excel 2013 (not 2010).
i need some help
we all know that in the user form, we can load or show image or picture, and load or show the data with list object.. etc..
but how can i show a pivot table in the user form ? which object i have to use ? can i use list object (in toolbox)? and how can i use it ? give me an example code..
and please tell me how to add a calendar object in the toolbox..
Hai Valli,
I am new to vba. I have some requirement based on manipulating data. I have spent time on googling to complete the things, but i can’t understand by their way of approach. I recently found your site, you are providing good things to learn. I need a sample excel macro file that satisfy the below listed operations,
1) Copy multiple sheets entire data to one workbook
2) Add some coulmns
3) Make some multiple column filter with multiple criteria
4) Fill cell based on filtered results to new column
5) Make VLOOKUP with opened another sheet data
5) Finally form some PIVOT TABLE .
Please guide me how to do the above.
Thanks in ADVANCE…..
Hi I am working on a VB code to get the row grand total, I have applied the last coding as the below.But not getting value fields row total in to the Grand Total column.
With ActiveSheet.PivotTables(“PivotTable”).PivotFields(“*Engagement name”)
.Orientation = xlDataField
.Position = 132
.NumberFormat = “#,##0”
.Name = “Grand Total”
.PivotFields (“Grand Total”), “Grand Total”, xlSum
*Engagement name *Resource name *Office location *Current grade 25-Jan-21 01-Feb-21 08-Feb-21 15-Feb-21 22-Feb-21 Grand Total