Application Properties helps us to perform different tasks to deal with Excel Workbook Applications. For example, we can assign name of Application on the title bar or find the path of Application or sets the name of the user etc.Explore the various Properties and examples on Excel VBA Application properties using side navigation. Below are the most frequently used Excel VBA Application Properties.
Excel VBA Application Object Properties:
- Calculation: To represent calculation mode.
- Caption: To represent name of the title bar.
- DisplayAlerts: To represent display alerts.
- DisplayFormulaBar:To hide or show the formula bar.
- DisplayFullScreen:To display Excel screen.
- DisplayScrollBars:To stop or display scrollbar.
- DisplayStatusBar:To display status on the status bar.
- EnableEvents: To enable events.
- Path: To get the complete path of the application.
- ScreenUpdating: To turn On/Off screen updating.
- StatusBar:To sets the text on the status bar.
- UserName: To sets the name of the user.
- WindowState:To sets the state of the application window.