OptionButton is one of the UserForm control. You can select and drag OptionButton on the UserForm. This Control is used to select only one selection from multiple selections within a group. When we select an OptionButton_Control on the user form in a group immediately it will de select all other OptionButtons in the same group. It has value property. It indicates whether the OptionButton_Control is selected or not. When we select Option Button the value is ‘True’. And when it de selects the value is ‘False’. Option Button is used on the UserForm. You can see how it works and more details about Option Button Control on the UserForm in the following chapter.
VBA OptionButton_Control on the UserForm
Please find more details about VBA ActiveX Option Button Control on the UserForm.
- Go To Developer Tab and then click Visual Basic from the Code or Press Alt+F11.
- Go To Insert Menu, Click UserForm. Please find the screenshot for the same.
- Drag the Frame and two Option Button controls on the Userform from the Toolbox. Please find the below screenshot for the same.
- Select Frame and change its properties as follows.
Caption: Gender
- Select first OptionButton and change its properties as mentioned below.
Caption: Male
- Double click on first OptionButton control, now you will see the following code in the VBA Editor window.
Private Sub OptionButton1_Click() End Sub
- Now add the following statement to the above procedure.
Private Sub OptionButton1_Click() MsgBox "Selected Gender is Male" End Sub
- Now, Select second OptionButton and change its properties as follows.
Caption: FeMale
- Double click on second OptionButton control, now you will see the following code in the VBA Editor window.
Private Sub OptionButton2_Click() End Sub
- Now add the following statement to the above procedure.
Private Sub OptionButton2_Click() MsgBox "Selected Gender is FeMale" End Sub
- You can see the following outputs. It is as shown in the following screen shot.
Output1: When we select ‘Male’ Option Button
Output2: When we select ‘FeMale’ Option Button
Add dynamic OptionButton_Control on the UserForm using VBA
Please find the following steps and example code, it will show you how to add dynamic Option Button control on the UserForm.
- Add Option Button and CommandButton on the userform from the toolbox.
- Right click on the CommandButton, click properties
- Change the CommandButton caption to ‘Create_Option Button ’
- Double click on the CommandButton
- Now, it shows the following code.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() End Sub
- Call the below procedure named ‘Add_Dynamic_OptionButton ’ and find the below procedure to run.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Call Add_Dynamic_OptionButton End Sub
Procedure to call in the CommandButton:
Sub Add_Dynamic_OptionButton() 'Add Dynamic OptionButton and assign it to object 'OpBtn' Set OpBtn = UserForm2.Controls.Add("Forms.OptionButton.1") 'Assign OptionButton Name OpBtn.Caption = "Dynamic OptionButton" 'OptionButton Position OpBtn.Left = 15 OpBtn.Top = 10 End Sub
- Now, click F5 to run the macro, click ‘Create_Option Button ’ button to see the result.
- You can see the created dynamic Option Button which is shown in the following screen shot.
Delete OptionButton_Control on the UserForm using VBA
Please find the below code, it will show you how to delete or remove the control on the UserForm. In the below example, its deleting the Option Button named ‘New Option Button’ which is on the UserForm named ‘UserForm4’. We can use Remove method to delete the controls which are created during run time. Controls which are created during design time cannot be deleted using this method. Please find the below example and screen shots for better understand.
Code 1: Adding control During Run Time
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 'We can use Add method to add the new controls on run time Set lblBtn = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.Option Button.1") With lblBtn .Top = 20 .Left = 20 .Caption = "New Option Button" .Name = "lblNew1" End With MsgBox "New Option Button Added" End Sub
Please find the below screen shot for your reference for the above macro and its output.
When we click on Add Command Button:
Code 1: Deleting or Removing Option Button_control which is created during run time.
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() 'We can use Remove method to delete the controls which are created during run time 'Note: Controls which are created on design time cannot be deleted using this method Me.Controls.Remove ("lblNew1") MsgBox "New Option Button Deleted" End Sub
Please find the below screen shot for your reference for the above macro and its output.
When we click on Delete Command Button:
Check if a OptionButton is Selected or Not Using VBA
Here is the below example. It will show you how to Check if a OptionButton is Selected or Not Using VBA.
Sub Chk_OptBtn_Selection() If OptionButton1.Value = True Then MsgBox "OptionButton has Selected" Else MsgBox "OptionButton has Not Selected" End If End Sub
Difference Between OptionButton and CheckBox Control
Option Button and Checkbox both displays an option. Both are used to turn On or Off options. Difference between is, Option Button is used to select only one selection from multiple selections. Where as CheckBox is used to select multiple selections from the available list.