RefreshAll Workbook method in VBA is used to refreshes all data ranges and available pivot table reports in the specified workbook.
Why we use RefreshAll Workbook method in VBA?
We use ‘RefreshAll’ Workbook method in VBA to refreshes data ranges and pivot table reorts in the mentioned workbook.
VBA RefreshAll Workbook Method – Syntax
Here is the syntax to RefreshAll workbook method using VBA.
Workbooks(“Your Workbook Name”).RefreshAll
In the above syntax Workbook represents object and RefreshAll represents the method of workbook object.
VBA RefreshAll Workbook Method:Example 1
Please find the below example, It will show you how to do refresh entire active workbook.
Sub Workbook_RefreshAll() ActiveWorkbook.RefreshAll End Sub
VBA RefreshAll Workbook:Example 2
Here is the one more example, it will refreshes the specific workbook.
Sub Workbook_RefreshAll() Workbooks("Sample.xls").RefreshAll End Sub
VBA RefreshAll Workbook: Example 3
Here is the one more example, it will refreshes the second workbook.
Sub Workbook_RefreshAll2() Workbooks(2).RefreshAll End Sub
VBA RefreshAll Workbook: Pivot Tables
Here is the one more example, it will refreshes all pivot tables which are available in active sheet of the workbook.
Sub Workbook_PivotTables() Dim pvtTbl As pivotTable For Each pvtTbl In ActiveSheet.PivotTables pvtTbl.RefreshTable Next End Sub
VBA RefreshAll Workbook Method- Instructions
Please follow the below step by step instructions to execute the above mentioned VBA macros or codes:
- Open an Excel Workbook
- Press Alt+F11 to Open VBA Editor
- Insert a Module from Insert Menu
- Copy the above code for activating a range and Paste in the code window(VBA Editor)
- Save the file as macro enabled workbook
- Press ‘F5’ to run it or Keep Pressing ‘F8’ to debug the code line by line.
I have a pivot table that uses an table as its data source. In turn, the table acting as the data source is linked to a table in an access database.
If I use ActiveWorkbook.RefreshAll I know both the table and the pivot table will be refreshed but is there anyway that I can ensure that the data source table is refreshed before the pivot table that relies on it?
When I open a worksheet data are updated from an external database. after that the pivottables in the worksheet should be refreshed. I have the vba code to refresh the pivottables but the macro for refreshing the pivottables is starting directly by opening the worksheet so before the data are updated.
What is the vba code to refresh the pivottables starting after the data are updated?
Best option is to put the ActiveWorkbook.RefreshAll code line at least twice, so you ensure it doesn’t matter the order for data updates in the related tables.
I want to refresh the workbook from all external links and close the file by macro…the problem is my file is too large and refreshing it takes 3,4 minutes,, is there any way to delay macro after refreshing so it can make sure to close the file when the refreshing process is done?