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VBA TextAlign property of checkBox control is used to align text in a CheckBox control. It sets an integer value. The possible values are 1, 2 and 3. If the value is ‘1’, aligns the text in left side. If the value is ‘2’, centers the text .And finally if the value is ‘3’, aligns the text in right side.

TextAlign Property Excel CheckBox Object

CheckBox TextAlign Property – Syntax

Please find the below syntax of CheckBox Text Align Property in Excel VBA.

CheckBoxName.TextAlign=1 or frmTextAlignLeft


CheckBoxName.TextAlign=2 or frmTextAlignCenter


CheckBoxName.TextAlign=3 or frmTextAlignRight

Where CheckBoxName represents the CheckBox object. In the above syntax we are using a ‘TextAlign’ property of CheckBox object to align CheckBox items.

CheckBox TextAlign Property – Explanation & Example

Here is the example for CheckBox Text Align Property. It will take you through how to align Text Align property of Check Box using Excel VBA. Here you can find or see how we are enable or disable Text Align of Check Box manually or using code.

CheckBox TextAlign Property: Change Manually

Please find the following details how we are changing manually Text Align of CheckBox property.

    1. Go To Developer Tab and then click Visual Basic from the Code or Press Alt+F11.
    2. Go To Insert Menu, Click UserForm. Please find the screenshot for the same.

Excel VBA UserForm CheckBox

    1. Drag a CheckBox on the Userform from the Toolbox. Please find the below screen shot for your reference.

CheckBox Properties_D

    1. Right click on the Check Box. Click on properties from the available list.

CheckBox Properties1

    1. Now you can find the properties window of CheckBox on the screen. Please find the screenshot for the same.

CheckBox Properties

    1. On the left hand side find ‘TextAlign’ property from the available Check Box properties.
    2. On the right hand side you can find the list of available choices. You can choose one of the following. Please find the below screen shot for your reference.

a. 1 – frmTextAlignLeft
b. 2 – frmTextAlignCenter
c. 3 – frmTextAlignRight

TextAlign Property of CheckBox Control

CheckBox TextAlign Property:Change Using Code

Please find the following details how we are changing Text Align of CheckBox property with using Excel VBA code.

      1. Go To Developer Tab and then click Visual Basic from the Code or Press Alt+F11.
      2. Go To Insert Menu, Click UserForm. Please find the screenshot for the same.

Excel VBA UserForm CheckBox

      1. Drag a CheckBox on the Userform from the Toolbox. Please find the screenshot for the same.

CheckBox Properties_D

      1. Double Click on the UserForm, and select the Userform event as shown in the below screen shot.

Check Box Excel ActiveX Control _Im1

      1. Now can see the following code in the module.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

End Sub
      1. Now, add the following example code1 to the in between above event procedure.

Example Code1:

'TextAlign Property of CheckBox Control
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    With UserForm1
        'Align the text left side
        .CheckBox1.TextAlign = 1
    End With
End Sub
      1. Now, Press ‘F5’ to see the following Output.

Output: If TextAlign =1 – frmTextAlignLeft
Please find the below output when we set Text Align property value is ‘1’. It is shown in the following Screen Shot.

TextAlign Property of CheckBox Left

Example Code2:

'TextAlign Property of CheckBox Control
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    With UserForm1
        'centers the text of CheckBox
        .CheckBox1.TextAlign = 2
    End With
End Sub
      1. Now, Press ‘F5’ to see the following Output.

Output: If TextAlign =2 – frmTextAlignCenter
Please find the below output when we set Text Align property value is ‘2’. It is shown in the following Screen Shot.

TextAlign Property of CheckBox Center

Example Code3:

'TextAlign Property of CheckBox Control
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    With UserForm1
        'Align the text right side
        .CheckBox1.TextAlign = 3
    End With
End Sub
      1. Now, Press ‘F5’ to see the following Output.

Output: If TextAlign =3 – frmTextAlignRight
Please find the below output when we set Text Align property value is ‘3’. It is shown in the following Screen Shot.

TextAlign Property of CheckBox Right

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Last Updated: March 2, 2023

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