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Excel VBA

Excel VBA is the macro programming language available in the Excel and other MS office tools. It helps to automate the regular tasks, create the dashboards and build the tools to perform certain tasks.

Column Name to Column Number


Column Name to Column Number is nothing but converting Excel alphabetic character column name to column number. Most of the time while automating many tasks it may be required. Please find the following details about conversion of column name to column number. You can also say column string to column number. Or get alphabetic character to column number using Excel VBA.

Column Name to Column Number2022-06-17T03:58:54+00:00

Remove CheckBox on Worksheet or UserForm in Excel


We can remove or delete checkbox on the worksheet or userform using ‘Go To Special’ or ‘Select Objects’ or by turning on Design Mode in Developer tab. when we don’t want to place checkbox control on the worksheet or userform we removes from there. Please find the more details and screenshots for clear understanding about remove checkbox control in the following chapter.

Remove CheckBox on Worksheet or UserForm in Excel2023-08-29T06:53:45+00:00

Add CheckBox on Worksheet or UserForm in Excel


Add CheckBox on Worksheet or UserForm is using checkbox control and is used to specify or indicate binary choice. In this section we will see how to add single checkbox or multiple checkboxes on the worksheet or userform. Please find more details about add checkbox control in the following chapter.

Add CheckBox on Worksheet or UserForm in Excel2022-06-17T03:58:51+00:00

Introduction to Collections in Excel VBA


Collection is an object contains group of objects having similar characteristics (with same properties and methods). For example,if you want to loop through all worksheets in a workbook, you can refer worksheets collection of the workbook and do whatever you want to do with that particular worksheet.

In this topic:
  • Introduction to Collections?
  • Collections in Excel VBA
  • Examples Macro File On Collections
Introduction to Collections in Excel VBA2022-06-17T03:55:31+00:00
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