VBA Remove Alpha Special characters from Range helps to remove unwanted characters and numbers from a selected Range . For example, user has to enter the non alphanumeric characters in a Cell or range. We need to do data validation whether user enters non alphanumeric or not.If user enters also, we need remove those alpha characters from cells using excel VBA.
- Solution
- Example Cases
- Example File
VBA Remove Alpha Special characters from Range – Solution(s):
First of all we need to check whether entered data in a cell is alpha characters or not. If it is not with using following code we can remove those alpha characters from cell. Following are the two different methods.
Remove Alpha Special Characters using Excel VBA – Example Cases:
Here are the examples to show you how to remove the alpha and special characters from data. Following are the two different methods, the first one is a procedure to remove alpha and special characters from a specific range. And the second one is the user defined function to remove the alpha and special characters from Cells.
Remove Alpha Special characters – Using Procedure
Following is the example to Remove Alpha Special characters from cells in a selected Range using Excel VBA.
'Remove All Alpha and Special characters from cell or Range using VBA code Sub Remove_AlphaCharacters_From_Cell_Or_Range() 'Variable Declaration Dim iCnt As Integer Dim IpData As Range, DataRange As Range Dim sData As String, sTmp As String 'Create Object for Selected Range On Error Resume Next Set DataRange = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A2:A10") If DataRange.Count < 1 Then MsgBox ("Please select range which contains data in cells"), vbInformation Exit Sub End If 'Runnning for loop to check all available cells For Each IpData In DataRange sTmp = "" For iCnt = 1 To Len(IpData.Value) If Mid(IpData.Value, iCnt, 1) Like "[0-9]" Then sData = Mid(IpData.Value, iCnt, 1) Else sData = "" End If sTmp = sTmp & sData Next iCnt 'Reassign Final Numeric characters IpData.Value = sTmp Next IpData End Sub
- Open an excel workbook
- Press Alt+F11 to open VBA Editor
- Insert a new module from Insert menu
- Copy the above code and Paste in the code window
- Goto Sheet1 and Enter some data in Range(“A2:A10”) with AlphaNumeric and Special Characters
- Press F5 to remove Alpha and Special Characters from the data
- Now you should see only numeric data at A2:A10
Remove Alpha Special characters – Using Function
Following is the one more example to Remove Alpha Special characters from cells in a selected Range using user defined function with Excel VBA.
'Remove All Alpha and Special characters from cell Function Remove_AlphaSpecialChar(DataCell As Range) As String 'Variable Declaration Dim iCnt As Integer Dim IpData As Range Dim sData As String, sTmp As String If DataCell.Count <> 1 Then MsgBox ("Please select Single Cell"), vbInformation Exit Function End If 'Runnning for loop to check all available Characters in a cell For iCnt = 1 To Len(DataCell.Text) If Mid(DataCell.Text, iCnt, 1) Like "[0-9]" Then sData = sData & Mid(DataCell.Text, iCnt, 1) End If Next iCnt Remove_AlphaSpecialChar = sData End Function
Here is the screenshot for showing User defined function to remove Alpha and Special Characters from the cells.
- Open an excel workbook
- Press Alt+F11 to open VBA Editor
- Insert a new module from Insert menu
- Copy the above function and Paste in the code window
- Goto Sheet1 and Enter some data in Range(“A2:A10”) with AlphaNumeric and Special Characters
- In Column B, you can enter the formula (=Remove_AlphaSpecialChar(A2)) to remove the Alpha and Special Characters
- Now you should see only numeric data at B2, You can drag the formula upto B10.
Download Example File:
Please find the Example File to download, you can explore the code to see how to remove the alpha and special characters from a data using Excel VBA.
Download Now: AnalysisTabs- Remove all Alpha Special Characters
Code given above is excellent.
Can you provide me code for removing & replacing special character(according to my replaced words) from defined column