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We can remove or delete checkbox on the worksheet or userform using ‘Go To Special’ or ‘Select Objects’ or by turning on Design Mode in Developer tab. when we don’t want to place checkbox control on the worksheet or userform we removes from there. Please find the more details and screenshots for clear understanding about remove checkbox control in the following chapter.

In this Topic:

Remove a CheckBox on the Worksheet: Using Go To Special

Please find the below example code, it will show you how to remove a checkbox on the worksheet using Go To Special from Editing. Go To Special command is used to sleet many types of control, one of those is objects. Please follow the below instructions to remove checkbox.

    1. Go To Home tab, click Find & Select (Editing). Now the following dialog box will be appeared. It is shown in the following screenshot.

Checkbox Goto Special in Excel

  1. Choose the Objects option from the Go To Select command. And then click OK button.
  2. All of the check boxes have been selected. (If Worksheet contains any other objects, it will delete other objects als).
  3. Press the Delete key to delete check boxes on the keyboard.
  4. Once you click on the Delete button, all of the checkboxes will be deleted,

Remove a CheckBox on the Worksheet: Using Select Objects

Please find the below example code, it will show you how to remove a checkbox on the worksheet using Select Objects from Editing.

    1. Go To Home tab, click Find & Select (Editing), click Select Objects. It is shown in the following screenshot.

remove Checkbox Select object

  1. Now, select the checkbox objects which you wanted to delete.
  2. Press the Delete key to delete check boxes on the keyboard.
  3. Once you click on the Delete button, all of the checkboxes will be deleted,

Remove a CheckBox on the Worksheet: Using Design Mode

Please find the below example code, it will show you how to remove a checkbox on the worksheet using Design Mode from Controls.

    1. Go To Developer tab, Click Design Mode(It Should be On). It is shown in the following screenshot.

Excel VBA CheckBox Design Mode

  1. Now, select the checkbox objects which you wanted to delete.
  2. Press the Delete key to delete check boxes on the keyboard.
  3. Once you click on the Delete button, all of the checkboxes will be deleted,

Remove Checkbox Controls using VBA

Here is the VBA code to remove all Checkbox controls (Worksheet Form Controls) in active sheet.
Remove Check Box in Excel

Sub sbRemoveCheckboxesinActiveSheet_FormControls()

For Each shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes
    If shp.Type = msoFormControl Then
        If shp.FormControlType = 1 Then shp.Delete
    End If
End Sub

And below is the VBA Macro to remove all OLE Checkbox controls in active sheet.

Sub sbRemoveCheckboxesinActiveSheet_OLEControls()

For Each shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes
If shp.Type = msoOLEControlObject Then
        If shp.OLEFormat.Object.OLEType = 2 Then shp.Delete
    End If
End Sub

Deleting Form Control Checkboxes

Form Control checkboxes are straightforward interactive elements in Excel, commonly used to facilitate binary choices. They are part of Excel’s standard toolset and are favored for their simplicity and ease of use. Integrated directly into the spreadsheet without requiring external libraries, Form Control checkboxes are often used in templates, forms, and surveys. Their graphical representation is basic, and their primary functionality is to present users with an “on” or “off” selection. When designing user interfaces in Excel or gathering basic user inputs, these checkboxes serve as a go-to choice for many spreadsheet creators.

Delete Form Checkboxes In Range

Deletes Form Control checkboxes within the specified range. Ideal for fine-tuning sections of large spreadsheets without affecting the entire sheet.

Sub DeleteFormCheckboxesInRange(rng As Range)
    Dim shp As Shape
    For Each shp In rng.Worksheet.Shapes
        If Not Intersect(rng, shp.TopLeftCell) Is Nothing Then
        If shp.TopLeftCell.Address = shp.BottomRightCell.Address And _
           shp.Type = msoFormControl And shp.FormControlType = xlCheckBox Then
        End If
        End If
    Next shp
End Sub

Delete Form Checkboxes In Sheet

Clears all Form Control checkboxes from a given worksheet. Perfect for refreshing or resetting an entire sheet without manually searching for checkboxes.

Sub DeleteFormCheckboxesInSheet(ws As Worksheet)
    Dim shp As Shape
    For Each shp In ws.Shapes
        If shp.Type = msoFormControl Then
        If shp.FormControlType = xlCheckBox Then
        End If
        End If
    Next shp
End Sub

Delete Form Checkboxes In Workbook

Comprehensively removes Form Control checkboxes across all sheets in a workbook. Streamlines the process of cleansing an entire workbook filled with these checkboxes.

Sub DeleteFormCheckboxesInWorkbook(wb As Workbook)
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    For Each ws In wb.Worksheets
        DeleteFormCheckboxesInSheet ws
    Next ws
End Sub

Deleting ActiveX Checkboxes

ActiveX checkboxes provide a more advanced and flexible option for binary selections in Excel. Unlike Form Control checkboxes, ActiveX controls can be easily customized, both in appearance and functionality. Originating from the ActiveX platform, these checkboxes can execute more complex VBA scripts, react to various events, and be styled in detail. They offer an enhanced level of interactivity, making them the preferred choice for more sophisticated Excel applications. However, with this advanced capability comes a steeper learning curve, particularly for users unfamiliar with the ActiveX environment or VBA programming.

Delete ActiveX Checkboxes In Range

Targets and deletes ActiveX checkboxes within a given range. Offers precision in complex sheets by addressing only the designated section.

Sub DeleteActiveXCheckboxesInRange(rng As Range)
    Dim obj As Object
    For Each obj In rng.Worksheet.OLEObjects
        If obj.progID = "Forms.CheckBox.1" And _
           Not Intersect(rng, obj.TopLeftCell) Is Nothing Then
        End If
    Next obj
End Sub

Delete ActiveX Checkboxes In Sheet

Scours an entire worksheet to locate and delete all ActiveX checkboxes. Useful for ensuring a clean sheet, especially before in-depth data analysis.

Sub DeleteActiveXCheckboxesInSheet(ws As Worksheet)
    Dim obj As Object
    For Each obj In ws.OLEObjects
        If obj.progID = "Forms.CheckBox.1" Then
        End If
    Next obj
End Sub

Delete ActiveX Checkboxes In Workbook

Removes every ActiveX checkbox across the entire workbook. Ideal for starting afresh and ensuring consistency across larger projects or data sets.

Sub DeleteActiveXCheckboxesInWorkbook(wb As Workbook)
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    For Each ws In wb.Worksheets
        DeleteActiveXCheckboxesInSheet ws
    Next ws
End Sub

More about Checkbox control

Here is the link more about how to add checkbox control on the Worksheet or UserForm in Excel.
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Here is the one more link to more about how to add checkbox control on the Worksheet or UserForm using VBA in Excel.
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Categories: Excel VBATags: , Last Updated: August 29, 2023


  1. jazz June 20, 2016 at 6:54 PM - Reply

    you are a life saver lol

  2. Vishvendar December 19, 2016 at 9:45 PM - Reply

    oh man… can’t thank you enough…. was trying to delete a checkbox since 1 hour as developer mode solution wasn’t working…’select object’ solution was a huge relief

  3. Howard February 10, 2017 at 3:27 AM - Reply

    Worked fine, thanks.

  4. CathyD July 28, 2017 at 5:24 PM - Reply

    Wow – very clear, THANK YOU!

  5. Jenni October 22, 2017 at 6:41 AM - Reply

    If you have a sheet with pictures and checkboxes, these instructions will delete both the checkboxes and photos. What if you want to keep the photos.

  6. PNRao October 26, 2017 at 12:49 PM - Reply

    Hi, We have added a VBA code to remove only checkboxes and keep the photos and other objects as it is.

  7. Haydn December 16, 2020 at 5:55 AM - Reply

    This worked well. Thanks so much. It was driving me insane trying to get rid of some damn check boxes on my excel sheet.

  8. Ameera March 27, 2023 at 12:15 PM - Reply

    i was struggling with this for a while and only this post helped me solve my problem! thank you so much!!

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