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We we are doing anything with one are more values is called an operation or task. To perform any operation we required minimum one symbol and one Variable or Value. The symbol is called an Operator and the Variable or Value is called an Operand.In this tutorial we will learn more about Operators and Operands in Excel VBA.

Operators and Operands in Excel VBA – The Assignment Operator:

If it is a numeric variable the computer will initiate 0 by default, if it is a string it will initiate an empty space. You can initiate your own value to variable by using assignment operator ‘=


Sub sbExampleAssignmentOperator()

'Variable Declaration
    Dim intRank As Integer

    intRank = 500
'Here = is called as an assignment operator,
'it will assign the value 500 into intRank

    MsgBox intRank
'If you check the variable now,
'you can see the 500 is assigned to that.

End Sub

The Line Continuation Operator: _

You can use space + underscore to split a single statement into more than one line

Sub sbExampleLineConnector()

'Variable Declaration
    Dim intRank As Integer

    intRank = _
'We have splitted a single line into
'two by using space+underscore

    MsgBox intRank

End Sub
The Double Quotes: “”

You can use “” to delimit a group of characters and symbols.

The Colon Operator: :

You can use : to put the two statements in a sing line.

String Concatenation: &

It is used to concatenate tow strings.

Carriage Return-Line Feed: vbCrLf

It will create new line. If you want to display a message to the user in two line instead of on single line, you can use this.

Operators and Operands in Excel VBA – Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic Operation Operator
Addition: To add add one value to another +
Subtraction: To subtract one value from another
Multiplication: To multiply one value with another *
Integer Division: Divide one number with another and the result will be an integer
Decimal Division: Divide one number with another and the result will be an integer /
Exponentiation: To get the one power value with another ^
Remainder: To get the division remainder Mod
Operators and Operands in Excel VBA – Logical Operators
Logical Operation Operator
Equals to =
Greater than >
Greater than or Equals to >=
Less than <
Less than or Equals to <=
Not Equals to <> or !=
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Categories: Excel VBATags: Last Updated: June 17, 2022


  1. Changwon March 28, 2014 at 11:40 AM - Reply

    Really appreciate your hard work.
    Found a tiny typo.
    MagBox intRank


  2. PNRao March 29, 2014 at 11:02 AM - Reply

    Hi Changwon,
    Thanks for finding a type, corrected now!


  3. Endalamaw December 6, 2015 at 10:44 PM - Reply

    Hi dears,
    I appreciate you. Its a good job.
    Thanks for your great work.
    I am an accountant. I want to learn excel VBA as a beginner. how can I be a good programmer ?
    Thank you in advance!!!

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