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VBA code to sort data with no headers in Excel example will help us to sort data in excel worksheets in Ascending or Descending order. We can use Sort method of Excel Range to sort the data. In this example we will see how to sort data in Excel Workbooks worksheets using VBA. VBA code for sorting data in excel Worksheets macro should work for all the version of Microsoft Excel 2003, Excel 2007, Excel 2010, and Excel 2013.

VBA Sort Data with No headers Excel Example Macro Code

VBA code to sort data with No headers in excel file

Here is the Example VBA syntax and Example VBA Macro code to sort the Excel Data. This will help you to know how to sort data in Excel worksheets using VBA.

VBA Sort Data with No headers in Excel Workbook: Syntax

Following is the VBA Syntax and sample VBA code to Sort the Data in Excel Workbook using VBA. We are using the Sort method of the Excel Workbook Range object.

Range.Sort Key1:=Range("A1") , Header:=xNo

Here you you can set your range into an object or you can directly use Range object like Range(“A1:D100”). And Key1 will be your Sorting Column which you wants to sort by. And Header is to tell excel that your data is having header row.

Here is VBA code to sort the data in Excel by setting the range to an object:

Dim strDataRange As Range
Dim keyRange As Range
Set strDataRange = Range("Your Data Range")
Set keyRange = Range("Your Sort by Column")
strDataRange.Sort Key1:=keyRange, Header:=xNo

Sort Data with No header row in Excel using VBA: Examples

The following VBA code is to sort the data with No headers in Excel Worksheet. This code will sort the data in Range A1 to D10 based on the First Column i.e.; A1.

Sub sb_VBA_Sort_Data()
Range("A1:D10").Sort _
Key1:=Range("A1"), Header:=xNo
End Sub

Instructions to run the VBA code to sort the data with No headers in Excel Workbook

Please follow the below instructions to execute the VBA code to sort the data with No headers in excel workbook.
Step 1: Open any existing Excel workbook
Step 2: Enter some data in A1 to D10
Step 3: Press Alt+F11 – This will open the VBA Editor
Step 4: Insert a code module from then insert menu
Step 5: Copy the above code to sort the data in excel and paste in the code module which have inserted in the above step
Step 5: Now press F5 to execute the code

Now you can observe that your Data in Excel sheet is sorted based on the Column A.

Explained VBA Code to sort the Excel Data

Starting the program and sub Procedure to write VBA code to sort data with No headers in excel.

Sub sbSortData_VBA_C()
‘Here Range(“A1:D10”) is target range to sort
‘And Range(“A1”) is the sort key to Sort by
Range(“A1:D10”).Sort _
Key1:=Range(“A1”), Header:=xlNo
End Sub
Ending the sub procedure to sort the data with No header row.

VBA to Sort the data with No header row by assigning to an Object: Examples

It is best practice to assign our target range and key Cell to temporary range objects and then sort the data. Here is the simple example to sort the data in Excel using Objects in VBA.

    Sub sbSortDataInExcel()
    'Delcaring the strDataRange as range store the target range to sort
        Dim strDataRange As Range
    'Delcaring the keyRange as range store the Sort key range to sort by
        Dim keyRange As Range
    'Assigning the target sort Range to strDataRange
        Set strDataRange = Range("A1:D10")
    'Assigning the sort key Range to keyRange
        Set keyRange = Range("A1")
    'Sorting the data using range objects and Sort method
        strDataRange.Sort Key1:=keyRange , Header:=xlNo        
    End Sub 
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Categories: VBATags: Last Updated: June 17, 2022

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