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VBA Time statement grants developers the power to set the system time programmatically. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the Time statement, exploring its syntax, usage, and potential applications.

What is the VBA Time Statement?

The VBA Time statement is a special command that allows you to set the system time of the computer running the VBA code. This can be particularly useful in scenarios where you need to simulate specific time-based conditions or adjust the system clock for testing purposes.

Syntax and Parameters

The syntax for the Time statement is straightforward:

Time = timeValue


  • timeValue: This is a required argument. It can be a numeric expression, string expression, or any combination that represents a valid time.

Setting the Time

To set the system time using VBA, you first need to assign a valid time value to a variable and then use the Time statement to set the system time.


Dim MySysTime As Date
MySysTime = #2:15:10 PM# ' Assign a specific time.
Time = MySysTime ' Set the system time to MySysTime .

In this example, the system time is set to 2:15:10 PM.

Points to Consider

  • Permissions: Changing the system time usually requires elevated permissions. Ensure that the VBA code has the necessary permissions to modify the system time, or it might result in an error.
  • Impact: Modifying the system time can have various side effects, especially on scheduled tasks, logging, or any time-dependent operations. Always be cautious and aware of the potential implications.
  • Formats: While VBA is generally good at interpreting time formats, it’s always a good practice to use a consistent and clear format when assigning time values.

Potential Applications

  • Testing Time-Dependent Code: If you have code that behaves differently at various times of the day, you can use the Time statement to simulate different conditions and test your code.
  • Synchronizing Systems: In scenarios where you need to synchronize the time of a system with another reference time (e.g., a server or another device), the Time statement can be handy.

Alternatives and Complements

  • Now Function: While the Time statement sets the system time, the Now function in VBA retrieves the current system date and time.
  • Date Statement: Similar to the Time statement, VBA also provides a Date statement to set the system date.


The VBA Time statement, though simple, offers a powerful way to control and manipulate the system time. Whether you’re testing, synchronizing, or just exploring, understanding how to use this statement effectively can be a valuable addition to your VBA toolkit. As always, with great power comes great responsibility; use the Time statement judiciously, keeping in mind its potential impact on the system and other applications.

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Categories: VBA StatementsTags: , Last Updated: October 1, 2023

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