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VBA Rnd Function – Purpose, Syntax and Arguments


The VBA Rnd function is used to generate a random number between 0 and 1. This function can be used in various VBA applications that require a random number, such as simulations, games, and data analysis. The Rnd function is a pseudo-random number generator, which means that the generated numbers follow a specific pattern but appear to be random.


The primary purpose of the Rnd function is to create a random number that can be used in VBA programming. This function is especially useful in situations where there is a need to generate a random value to make a decision or carry out a task. The Rnd function can create a unique random number each time it is executed, ensuring that the results are not predictable.


Rnd [(number)]


  • number: (optional) A value that is used to initialize the random number generator. The default value is the system time.


Suppose we need to generate a random number between 1 and 10. We can use the Rnd function in the following way:

Dim randNum As Integer
randNum = Int(Rnd * 10) + 1

In this example, the ‘Int’ function is used to convert the decimal value obtained from the Rnd function into a whole number. The resulting ‘randNum’ variable will hold a random number between 1 and 10.

Remarks and Important Notes

  • The Rnd function uses the current system time as the default seed value. However, the user can specify a custom number for the seed.
  • The Rnd function will return the same sequence of numbers when the same seed is used. This feature can be useful when testing and debugging a program that requires random numbers.
  • The Rnd function only generates numbers between 0 and 1. To generate random numbers in a different range, the ‘Int’ function is used to modify the result of the Rnd function.
  • It is recommended to use the ‘Randomize’ statement before using the Rnd function to initialize the random number generator with a unique seed value.
  • The Rnd function should not be used for cryptographic purposes as it is not a cryptographically secure random number generator.


In summary, the VBA Rnd function is a useful tool for generating random numbers in various VBA applications. It can be used to add a degree of unpredictability to a program, making it more dynamic and versatile. By understanding the purpose, syntax, arguments, example, remarks, and important notes of this function, developers can effectively use it in their VBA projects.

Understanding VBA Rnd Function with Examples

Example 1: Generating Random Numbers in a Specific Range

The Rnd function in VBA is used to generate random numbers. It takes a single argument, which represents the upper bound of the range of numbers. For example, if the argument is 10, then the Rnd function will generate a random number between 0 and 10.

    Dim randomNumber As Integer
    randomNumber = Rnd(10)

In this example, we have declared a variable called “randomNumber” and assigned it the value of the Rnd function with an argument of 10. This will generate a random integer between 0 and 10 and assign it to the “randomNumber” variable.
Unlike other programming languages, VBA does not have a built-in function to generate a random number in a specific range. However, we can use some basic arithmetic to manipulate the output of the Rnd function.

    Dim randomNumber As Integer
    randomNumber = Rnd() * 10

In this modified version of the previous code, we have removed the argument from the Rnd function and multiplied the output by 10. This will give us a random number between 0 and 10, where the range is inclusive of 0 but exclusive of 10.
To generate a random number with a specific lower bound and upper bound, we can use the following code.

    Dim randomNumber As Integer
    randomNumber = (Rnd * (upperBound - lowerBound + 1)) + lowerBound

In this code, we have specified the upper and lower bound of the range and used basic arithmetic to generate a random number within that range.

Example 2: Creating Randomized Lottery Numbers

The Rnd function can also be used to create randomized lottery numbers. For example, if we want to generate six numbers between 1 and 49 for a lottery ticket, we can use the following code.

    Dim lotteryNumbers(5) As Integer
    For i = 0 To 5
        lotteryNumbers(i) = Int((Rnd * 49) + 1)
    Next i

In this code, we have declared an array to store the six lottery numbers and used a For loop to generate the numbers one by one. The Int function is used to round down the output of the Rnd function.
It is important to note that the above code may generate duplicate numbers. To avoid this, we can modify the code to generate unique numbers.

    Dim lotteryNumbers(5) As Integer
    Dim generatedNumbers() As Integer
    For i = 0 To 5
        Dim num As Integer
        num = Int((Rnd * 49) + 1)
        If (Not (IsNumeric(UBound(generatedNumbers)) And _
        Not IsNumeric(Application.Match(num, generatedNumbers, 0)) = True)) Then
        ti = i - 1
        tgeneratedNumbers(UBound(generatedNumbers) + 1) = num
        tlotteryNumbers(i) = num
        End If
    Next i

In this modified code, we have added an additional array to store the generated numbers and a condition to check if the number is already present in the generated numbers array. If the number is not unique, the loop will run again and generate a different number.

Example 3: Generating Randomized Passwords

The Rnd function can also be used to create randomized passwords. Passwords are typically a combination of numbers, letters, and special characters. We can use the ASCII codes of these characters to generate a password.

    Dim passwordLength As Integer
    passwordLength = InputBox("Enter length of password: ")
    Dim password As String
    password = ""
    For i = 1 To passwordLength
        Dim characterCode As Integer
        characterCode = Int((Rnd * 94) + 33)
        password = password & Chr(characterCode)
    Next i

In this code, we have first prompted the user to enter the desired length of the password. Then, we have used a For loop to generate a random ASCII code. The ASCII code ranges from 33 to 126, which includes all the characters, numbers, and special characters on a keyboard. We have used the Chr function to convert the ASCII code to a character and concatenate it to the password string. This loop will run until the desired length of the password is reached.

Example 4: Generating Randomized Dates

The Rnd function can also be used to generate random dates or times. For example, if we want to simulate a set of data with random dates, we can use the following code.

    Dim currentDate As Date
    currentDate = Now
    For i = 1 To 10
        Dim randomDate As Date
        randomDate = currentDate + Rnd * 30
        Cells(i, 1) = randomDate
    Next i

In this code, we have first assigned the current date and time to the currentDate variable using the Now function. Then, we have used a For loop to generate ten random dates. The Rnd function will generate a number between 0 and 1, which is then multiplied by 30 to get a random number of days. This number is added to the currentDate variable to get a date within the range of 30 days. This loop will run ten times and paste the generated dates in the first column of the active sheet.

Conclusion: Understanding the Rnd Function

The Rnd function in VBA can be a powerful tool to generate random data for various purposes. It takes a single argument, which represents the upper bound of the range of numbers. By using basic arithmetic and combining the Rnd function with other VBA functions, we can generate random numbers, lottery numbers, passwords, and dates. It is important to keep in mind that the Rnd function generates a pseudo-random number, which means that the same set of numbers may be generated if the code is executed repeatedly.

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Categories: VBA FunctionsTags: , , , Last Updated: September 30, 2023

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