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The VBA Input function reads a specified number of characters from an open sequential file and returns the result as a string. The VBA Input function is a file handling tool that reads a defined number of characters from an open sequential file. By returning the data as a string, it provides developers with a precise way to extract and manipulate file content. This function is especially useful in scenarios requiring controlled parsing or extraction from text or data files within VBA.

VBA Input Function

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) offers a plethora of functions to handle files, and one of the most versatile among them is the Input function. This function is designed to read data from open sequential files, making it invaluable for parsing text or data files in a controlled manner.

The Input function in VBA is used to read a specified number of characters from an open sequential file. It returns the result as a string, allowing for easy manipulation or display within your VBA procedures.


The syntax for the Input function is as follows:

Input(number, [ # ]filenumber)


  1. number: This is a required parameter. It represents the number of characters you want to read from the file. If the file has fewer remaining characters than the specified number, the function will read only the available characters.
  2. filenumber: This is also a required parameter. It represents the file number used to open the file with the Open statement. The # symbol is optional but is often used for clarity and to adhere to VBA conventions.


The Input function in VBA is a powerful tool for controlled reading from sequential files. Whether you’re parsing large datasets, reading configuration files, or simply previewing content, understanding and mastering this function can significantly enhance your file handling capabilities in VBA.

Examples on VBA Input Function with Examples

1. Basic Reading

This straightforward example illustrates the fundamental use of the Input function in VBA. By reading the first 10 characters from a file named “sample.txt”, it provides a simple demonstration of how to access and retrieve specific portions of data from a file. This can be particularly useful when you need a quick preview of a file’s content or when dealing with files with known structures.

Dim data As String
Dim fileNum As Integer
fileNum = FreeFile
Open "C:\sample.txt" For Input As #fileNum
data = Input(10, #fileNum)
Close #fileNum
MsgBox data

Explanation: The code reads the first 10 characters from “sample.txt” and displays them in a message box.

2. Conditional Reading

This example delves a bit deeper into conditional file reading. It first reads a single character from the file and checks if it’s the letter “A”. If the condition is met, it proceeds to read the next 5 characters. This showcases how one can make decisions based on file content, which can be crucial when parsing files with specific markers or flags.

Dim firstChar As String
Dim fileNum As Integer
fileNum = FreeFile
Open "C:\sample.txt" For Input As #fileNum
firstChar = Input(1, #fileNum)
If firstChar = "A" Then
MsgBox Input(5, #fileNum)
End If
Close #fileNum

Explanation: The code checks the first character of the file. If it’s “A”, it reads and displays the next 5 characters.

3. Read Until Delimiter

This example demonstrates how to read content from a file up to a specific delimiter, in this case, a comma. Such a method is especially useful when dealing with CSV files or other text files where data is separated by specific characters. By reading until a delimiter, one can effectively parse and process individual data segments from a larger file.

Dim char As String, result As String
Dim fileNum As Integer
fileNum = FreeFile
Open "C:\sample.txt" For Input As #fileNum
char = Input(1, #fileNum)
If char = "," Then Exit Do
result = result & char
Close #fileNum
MsgBox result

Explanation: The code reads characters sequentially until it finds a comma, then stops and displays the accumulated string.

4. Read Specific Line

Target and read a specific line from a text file, in this case, the third line. It’s particularly useful when dealing with structured files where data is expected at certain line numbers, such as configuration files or certain data logs.

Dim lineData As String, i As Integer
Dim fileNum As Integer
fileNum = FreeFile
Open "C:\sample.txt" For Input As #fileNum
For i = 1 To 2
Line Input #fileNum, lineData
Next i
MsgBox lineData
Close #fileNum

Explanation: The code skips the first two lines and reads the third line from “sample.txt”, then displays it in a message box.

5. Read and Store Multiple Lines

Read multiple lines from a text file and store them in an array. This approach is beneficial when you need to process or analyze multiple lines from a file in a batch, such as when parsing logs or processing multi-line data entries.

Dim lines(1 To 5) As String, i As Integer
Dim fileNum As Integer
fileNum = FreeFile
Open "C:\sample.txt" For Input As #fileNum
For i = 1 To 5
Line Input #fileNum, lines(i)
Next i
Close #fileNum

Explanation: The code reads the first five lines from “sample.txt” and stores each line in an array.

6. Read Until Specific Word

Here, the code reads characters from a file sequentially until it encounters a specific word, “STOP”. This is useful in scenarios where a file might have a marker or a delimiter in the form of a word, indicating the end of a segment or section.

Dim char As String, result As String
Dim fileNum As Integer
fileNum = FreeFile
Open "C:\sample.txt" For Input As #fileNum
char = Input(1, #fileNum)
result = result & char
If Right(result, 4) = "STOP" Then Exit Do
Close #fileNum
MsgBox result

Explanation: The code reads characters sequentially until it finds the word “STOP”, then stops and displays the accumulated string.

7. Read Fixed Length Records

This example is designed for files that have records of a fixed length, such as certain database dumps or structured logs. By reading in fixed-size chunks, the code can process each record individually, which is crucial for files where each record holds specific information, like a user’s details.

Dim record As String
Dim fileNum As Integer
fileNum = FreeFile
Open "C:\sample.txt" For Input As #fileNum
Do Until EOF(fileNum)
record = Input(20, #fileNum)
MsgBox record
Close #fileNum

Explanation: The code reads records of 20 characters each from “sample.txt” and displays each record in a message box.

8. Read and Reverse

Read the first 10 characters from a file and then reverse them. The code reads a specific number of characters from a file and then reverses the order of those characters. This can be useful in scenarios where you might need to check for palindromes, decode certain types of encoded messages, or simply display data in a different format.

Dim data As String
Dim fileNum As Integer
fileNum = FreeFile
Open "C:\sample.txt" For Input As #fileNum
data = Input(10, #fileNum)
Close #fileNum
MsgBox StrReverse(data)

Explanation: The code reads the first 10 characters from “sample.txt”, reverses the string, and then displays the reversed string in a message box.

Wrapping Up

Understanding the intricacies of VBA’s file handling functions, especially the Inputfunction, is pivotal for anyone looking to automate tasks or process files in Microsoft Office applications. By offering controlled reading capabilities, the VBA Input Function stands out as a versatile tool in a developer’s toolkit.

As with any programming skill, hands-on practice and real-world application will solidify your grasp. So, dive in, experiment with different files, and harness the full potential of VBA’s file handling capabilities!

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Categories: VBA FunctionsTags: , , Last Updated: October 1, 2023

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