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The VBA CurDir function is used to retrieve and return the current directory path. This includes the name of the current folder or the location of the current workbook. It returns a string value that can be assigned to a variable for further use or displayed in a message box.

VBA CurDir Function – Purpose, Syntax and Arguments


This function has various uses, including determining the current directory path for navigating to other folders, storing the path for future file operations, and displaying the path for user information.




  • drive: This is an optional argument that specifies the drive for which the current directory path is returned. If no drive is specified, the current directory path of the default drive is returned.


Let’s assume that we have an Excel workbook in the path C:\Users\John\Desktop\MyWorkbook.xlsx. Using the CurDir function with and without the drive argument will return the following results:

Public Sub Example1() 
    MsgBox CurDir 
    'This will return the path "C:\Users\John\Desktop" as it is the current directory for the default drive. 
End Sub 
Public Sub Example2() 
    MsgBox CurDir("D") 
    'This will return the path "D:\" as drive 'D' is specified and it is the current directory for that drive. 
End Sub


  • If the current directory is not found or an error occurs, the CurDir function returns an empty string (“”).
  • It is a best practice to check if the current directory path is valid before performing any operations on it to avoid errors.

Important Notes:

  • This function is not limited to retrieving the current directory path of an Excel file. It can also be used for Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, or any other files located on a drive.
  • It is important to remember that the current directory path can change if the user navigates to a different folder within the same drive.


In conclusion, the VBA CurDir function is a useful tool for retrieving and storing the current directory path in various applications. It is a simple yet powerful function that can improve the efficiency and organization of VBA code. By understanding its syntax, arguments, and potential uses, the CurDir function can be effectively incorporated into VBA projects.

Understanding VBA CurDir Function with Examples

Example 1: Getting Current Directory using CurDir Function

Description: The CurDir function is used to get the full path of the current directory. It takes no parameters and returns a string value containing the path. This function is commonly used in VBA programming to retrieve the current directory path in order to access and manipulate files and folders within that directory.

Sub GetCurrentDirectory()
    Dim currentDir As String
    currentDir = CurDir
    MsgBox "The current directory is " & currentDir
End Sub
  1. The first line declares a sub procedure named “GetCurrentDirectory”.
  2. The second line declares a variable named “currentDir” as a string data type.
  3. The third line uses the “CurDir” function to retrieve the current directory path and assign it to the “currentDir” variable.
  4. The fourth line displays a message box with the current directory path by concatenating the string “The current directory is ” with the value of the “currentDir” variable.
  5. The fifth line ends the sub procedure.

Explanation: In this example, the CurDir function is used to get the full path of the current directory and assign it to the “currentDir” variable. The MsgBox function is then used to display a message box with the current directory path. This can be useful when you need to know the current directory path for further manipulation and processing of files and folders within that directory.

Example 2: Setting Current Directory using CurDir Function

Description: The CurDir function can also be used to set the current directory path. This is achieved by passing a string value containing the desired directory path as a parameter to the CurDir function.

Sub SetCurrentDirectory()
    Dim newDir As String
    newDir = "C:\Users\Username\Desktop\Test Folder"
End Sub
  1. The first line declares a sub procedure named “SetCurrentDirectory”.
  2. The second line declares a variable named “newDir” as a string data type.
  3. The third line assigns a directory path to the “newDir” variable.
  4. The fourth line uses the “CurDir” function to set the current directory path to the value of the “newDir” variable.
  5. The fifth line ends the sub procedure.

Explanation: In this example, the CurDir function is called with the “newDir” variable as its parameter. This will set the current directory path to the specified directory, in this case, “C:\Users\Username\Desktop\Test Folder”. This can be useful when you want to change the current directory path for specific operations or tasks.

Example 3: Error Handling with CurDir Function

Description: The CurDir function can encounter errors if the current directory path becomes invalid or inaccessible. In order to handle these errors, an On Error statement can be used in conjunction with the CurDir function.

Sub ErrorHandling()
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    Dim invalidDir As String
    invalidDir = "E:\Invalid Folder"
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description
End Sub
  1. The first line declares a sub procedure named “ErrorHandling”.
  2. The second line uses the “On Error GoTo” statement to specify an error handler.
  3. The third line declares a variable named “invalidDir” as a string data type.
  4. The fourth line assigns an invalid directory path to the “invalidDir” variable.
  5. The fifth line uses the “CurDir” function to attempt to set the current directory path to the value of the “invalidDir” variable.
  6. The sixth line exits the sub procedure.
  7. The error handler is defined starting with the “ErrorHandler:” label. In this case, a message box is used to display the error description when an error occurs.

Explanation: In this example, an invalid directory path is passed as a parameter to the CurDir function. Since this directory path does not exist, an error will occur and the code will jump to the ErrorHandler label where the error can be handled. This is useful in cases where the current directory path may not always be accessible or valid.

Example 4: Uses of CurDir Function in File Handling Operations

Description: The CurDir function is commonly used in file handling operations, such as opening, creating, or deleting files. It allows for easy access to files within the current directory by providing the full path.

Sub FileHandling()
    Dim currentDir As String
    Dim fileName As String
    Dim filePath As String
    currentDir = CurDir
    fileName = "Test_File.xlsx"
    filePath = currentDir & "\" & fileName
    'Code for file handling operations goes here
End Sub
  1. The first line declares a sub procedure named “FileHandling”.
  2. The second line declares a variable named “currentDir” as a string data type.
  3. The third line declares a variable named “fileName” as a string data type.
  4. The fourth line declares a variable named “filePath” as a string data type.
  5. The fifth line uses the “CurDir” function to retrieve the current directory path and assign it to the “currentDir” variable.
  6. The sixth line assigns a file name to the “fileName” variable.
  7. The seventh line uses string concatenation to create the full file path by combining the “currentDir” variable, a backslash, and the “fileName” variable and assigning it to the “filePath” variable.
  8. The eighth line is where the code for file handling operations would go, using the “filePath” variable to access the desired file within the current directory.
  9. The ninth line ends the sub procedure.

Explanation: In this example, the CurDir function is used to retrieve the current directory path and assign it to the “currentDir” variable. This path is then combined with a file name to create the full file path and assigned to the “filePath” variable. This is useful when working with files within the current directory as it eliminates the need to manually type out the full file path.


The CurDir function is a useful tool in VBA programming as it allows for easy access to the current directory path. It can be used to retrieve, set, and handle errors related to the current directory. Its uses in file handling operations make it an essential function in VBA coding. Understanding how to use the CurDir function effectively can greatly improve the efficiency and functionality of your VBA projects.

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Categories: VBA FunctionsTags: , , , Last Updated: September 30, 2023

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