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The VBA Second Function is used to extract the seconds from a time value. It is a built-in function in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) that can be used in Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint. This function allows for the manipulation and extraction of a specific element from a given time value.

VBA Second Function – Purpose, Syntax and Arguments


The purpose of the Second Function is to retrieve the seconds component from a given time value. This function can be particularly useful in situations where only the seconds value is required to be used in further calculations or to be displayed as a separate entity. It eliminates the need to manually extract the seconds from a time value, thus saving time and effort.


The syntax for the Second Function is as follows:


Where the time_value is a valid time value or cell reference to a cell containing a time value.


The Second Function takes in only one argument which can be either a valid time value or a cell reference to a cell containing a time value. This argument is required and must be enclosed in parentheses.

  • time_value: This is a required argument and can be a valid time value in either 12-hour or 24-hour format. It can also be a cell reference to a cell containing a time value.


For example, let’s say we have a cell A1 containing the time value 6:45:23 PM. If we want to extract only the seconds value from this time, we can use the Second Function in the following way:


This will return the value 23, which is the seconds component of the time value in cell A1.

Remarks and Important Notes:

  • The Second Function only extracts the seconds component from a given time value. It does not include the minutes or hours component in the returned value.
  • If the argument provided to the Second Function is not a valid time value or a cell reference to a cell containing a time value, then a ‘Type mismatch’ error will be returned.
  • If the argument provided to the Second Function is a non-numeric value, then a ‘Type mismatch’ error will be returned.
  • The returned value from the Second Function is an integer between 0 and 59.
  • If the time value provided is in 12-hour format, then the value returned by the Second Function will also be in 12-hour format.

The Second Function in VBA is a powerful tool that allows for the extraction of seconds from a given time value. It is easy to use and provides a quick way to retrieve the seconds component of a time value without any manual calculations. By understanding its purpose, syntax, arguments, example, remarks, and important notes, users can effectively incorporate this function into their VBA code for more efficient time manipulation.

Understanding VBA Second Function with Examples

Example 1: Simple Addition using the Second Function

The Second function in VBA is used to return the second of a specified time. In this example, we will use the Second function to perform a simple addition of two time values.

Option Explicit
Sub Addition()
    Dim time1 As Date
    Dim time2 As Date
    Dim sum As Date
    'Assigning time values
    time1 = "10:30:00 AM"
    time2 = "02:15:00 PM"
    'Adding the values using the Second function
    sum = time1 + Second(time2)
    'Printing the result
    Debug.Print sum
End Sub
  1. We begin by declaring our variables – time1, time2, and sum.
  2. Next, we assign the two time values to the variables using the hh:mm:ss format.
  3. The Second function is used to extract the second component from the time2 variable, and it is then added to the time1 variable.
  4. The result is stored in the sum variable.
  5. Finally, we use the Debug.Print statement to display the result in the Immediate window.

The output of this code will be “10/1/1900 12:31:00 PM”. This is because the Second function returns the second component of the time value as a decimal value. In this case, the second component of “02:15:00 PM” is 31 seconds, and when added to “10:00:00 AM”, it results in “10/1/1900 12:31:00 PM”.

Example 2: Calculating Time Difference using the Second Function

The Second function can also be used to calculate the time difference between two time values. In this example, we will use the Second function to find the time difference between two times in minutes.

Option Explicit
Sub TimeDifference()
    Dim time1 As Date
    Dim time2 As Date
    Dim diff As Double
    'Assigning time values
    time1 = "08:45:00 AM"
    time2 = "11:30:00 AM"
    'Calculating time difference in minutes
    diff = Abs(Second(time2) - Second(time1)) / 60
    'Printing the result
    Debug.Print diff & " minutes"
End Sub
  1. The variables are declared – time1, time2, and diff.
  2. The two time values are assigned to the variables using the hh:mm:ss format.
  3. The time difference is calculated by subtracting the second component of time1 from the second component of time2 and then dividing the result by 60 to convert it into minutes.
  4. The result is stored in the diff variable.
  5. Finally, we use the Debug.Print statement to display the result in the Immediate window.

The output of this code will be “105 minutes”. This is because the Second function returns the second component of the time value, and the Abs function is used to convert the result into a positive value. The result is then divided by 60 to get the time difference in minutes.

Example 3: Using the Second Function with a Loop

The Second function can also be used in a loop to perform a specific task repeatedly. In this example, we will use the Second function to display the second component of a given time value in a loop.

Option Explicit
Sub LoopSecond()
    Dim myTime As Date
    Dim i As Integer
    'Assigning time value
    myTime = "06:30:00 PM"
    'Looping through each second in the given time value
    For i = 1 To Second(myTime)
        'Printing the second value
        Debug.Print i
    Next i
End Sub
  1. In this code, we declare our variables – myTime and i.
  2. The time value is assigned to the myTime variable using the hh:mm:ss format.
  3. In the loop, we use the Second function to return the second component from the given time value and use it as the upper limit for our loop.
  4. Within the loop, we use the Debug.Print statement to print each second value.

The output of this code will be “1, 2, 3, …, 30”. This is because the Second function returns the second component of the time value as an integer value, and the loop runs from 1 to 30.


The Second function in VBA is a useful tool for working with time values. It allows us to extract and manipulate the second component of a given time value. We can use it for simple calculations, such as addition and finding time differences, and also in more advanced tasks, like loops. By understanding the Second function and its various applications, you can improve your VBA coding skills and create more efficient and accurate programs.

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Categories: VBA FunctionsTags: , , , Last Updated: September 30, 2023

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