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The VBA PV function is a financial function that calculates the present value of an investment or loan. It is useful for determining the current value of a future cash flow, taking into consideration factors such as interest, time, and periodic payments. The present value is an important concept in finance, as it allows investors to evaluate the potential return on their investments.

VBA PV Function – Purpose, Syntax and Arguments


The purpose of the PV function is to calculate the present value of an investment or loan, taking into account the time value of money. It helps users to determine the current worth of a future cash flow, considering the potential gains or losses from interest and inflation over time. This function is commonly used in financial analysis and planning, as well as in accounting and budgeting.


The syntax for the PV function is as follows:

PV(rate, nper, pmt, [fv], [type])


The PV function takes five arguments, of which only the first three are required. The arguments are:

  • rate: The interest rate per period for the investment or loan. It can be either a constant value or a cell reference.
  • nper: The total number of periods over which the investment or loan will be made. It can be either a constant value or a cell reference.
  • pmt: The periodic payment amount made for the investment or loan. This can be a constant value, a cell reference, or an array of values if there are multiple payments per period.
  • [fv: Optional] The future value of the investment or loan, if any. If omitted, it is assumed to be 0.
  • [type: Optional] Specifies whether the payments are made at the beginning or end of each period. If omitted, it is assumed to be 0, indicating payments are made at the end of each period.


Let’s say we want to calculate the present value of an investment with an interest rate of 5% per year, a total of 10 periods, and a periodic payment of $500 at the end of each period. We can use the following formula in VBA:

PV(0.05, 10, 500)

This will give us a present value of $4,644.28. It means that today, the investment is worth $4,644.28 if we expect to receive $500 at the end of each period for 10 periods, with an interest rate of 5%.


  • The PV function returns a negative value, as it represents a cash outflow (payment).
  • If the payment is a lump sum made at the end of period 0 (today), the payment should not be included in the ‘pmt’ argument, and the ‘type’ argument should be set to 0.
  • If the payment is made at the beginning of each period, the ‘type’ argument should be set to 1.
  • For the ‘rate’ argument, it is important to use the annualized interest rate, i.e., adjust the periodic rate to an annual equivalent if necessary.
  • The ‘nper’ argument should correspond to the number of periods used for the interest rate, i.e., if interest is calculated semi-annually, the ‘nper’ argument should be divided by 2.

Important Notes:

  • The PV function is the inverse of the ‘FV’ (future value) function. If the present value, interest rate, and number of periods are known, the future value can be calculated using the ‘FV’ function.
  • The result of the PV function is sensitive to the values used for the arguments. Small variations in the interest rate or number of periods can result in significantly different present values.
  • The PV function is only available in VBA and cannot be used in Excel formulas.
  • If the ‘rate’ argument is 0, the ‘nper’ argument must also be 0, or else the PV function will return an error.

Understanding VBA PV Function with Examples

Example 1: Basic Usage

Let’s first look at a basic example of using the PV function in VBA. Suppose we have an investment with an annual interest rate of 5%, a total of 10 payment periods, and a payment amount of $1000 each period. We can use the PV function to calculate the present value of this investment.

Sub CalculatePV()
    Dim interestRate As Double
    Dim nper As Integer
    Dim pmt As Double
    Dim presentValue As Double
    'Initialize variables
    interestRate = 0.05
    nper = 10
    pmt = 1000
    'Calculate present value
    presentValue = PV(interestRate, nper, pmt)
    'Print result
    Debug.Print presentValue
End Sub
  1. The code begins by declaring and initializing the variables interestRate, nper, and pmt. These variables will hold the values for the rate, nper, and pmt arguments of the PV function.
  2. The PV function is then used to calculate the present value of the investment, using the previously declared variables as arguments.
  3. The calculated present value is stored in the variable presentValue.
  4. The result is then printed in the Immediate window using the Debug.Print method.

The result of this code will be $7,723.54, indicating that the present value of the investment is $7,723.54.

Example 2: Including Future Value and Type Arguments

In some cases, an investment may have a future value at the end of the payment periods, or the type of payment may differ at the beginning or end of each period. In such cases, the fv and type arguments can be included in the PV function.
Let’s consider an example where we have the same investment as before, but with an added future value of $10,000 and payments made at the end of each period. We can use the PV function to calculate the present value of this investment.

Sub CalculatePV()
    Dim interestRate As Double
    Dim nper As Integer
    Dim pmt As Double
    Dim fv As Double
    Dim type As Integer
    Dim presentValue As Double
    'Initialize variables
    interestRate = 0.05
    nper = 10
    pmt = 1000
    fv = 10000
    type = 0
    'Calculate present value
    presentValue = PV(interestRate, nper, pmt, fv, type)
    'Print result
    Debug.Print presentValue
End Sub
  1. In addition to the previously declared variables, the fv and type variables are declared and initialized with their respective values.
  2. The PV function is then used with all five arguments to calculate the present value of the investment.
  3. The calculated present value is once again stored in the presentValue variable.
  4. The result is then printed in the Immediate window using the Debug.Print method.

This time, the result will be -$4,472.54, indicating that the present value of the investment is -$4,472.54. This negative value is due to the added future value, which results in the investment having a lower present value.

Example 3: Using Cell References for Arguments

In VBA, it is also possible to use cell references instead of constant values for the arguments of the PV function. This can be useful when dynamically calculating the present value based on changing values in other cells.

Sub CalculatePV()
    Dim interestRate As Range
    Dim nper As Range
    Dim pmt As Range
    Dim fv As Range
    Dim type As Range
    Dim presentValue As Double
    'Set cell references
    Set interestRate = Range("A1")
    Set nper = Range("A2")
    Set pmt = Range("A3")
    Set fv = Range("A4")
    Set type = Range("A5")
    'Calculate present value
    presentValue = PV(interestRate, nper, pmt, fv, type)
    'Print result in cell A6
    Range("A6") = presentValue
End Sub
  1. In this example, instead of declaring and initializing variables, cell references are set for the interestRate, nper, pmt, fv, and type arguments.
  2. The PV function is then used with these cell references as arguments to calculate the present value.
  3. The calculated present value is then printed in cell A6.

This allows the present value to be automatically updated if any of the values in cells A1 to A5 are changed.


In this blog post, we have discussed the PV function in VBA for calculating the present value of an investment. We have looked at the syntax and several examples of using this function, including cases where the fv and type arguments are included and cases where cell references are used instead of constant values. Understanding and utilizing the PV function can greatly improve the efficiency of financial calculations in VBA.

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Categories: VBA FunctionsTags: , , , Last Updated: September 30, 2023

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