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The VBA NPV (Net Present Value) function is a financial function that is used to calculate the present value of a series of future cash flows. This function takes into account the time value of money, helping businesses and individuals make better financial decisions by determining whether a proposed investment or project will yield a positive or negative return.

VBA NPV Function – Purpose, Syntax and Arguments


The purpose of the NPV function is to provide a tool for evaluating investment opportunities and determining their potential profitability. It allows users to compare different investment options and make informed decisions based on their expected returns.


The syntax for the NPV function is as follows:

=NPV(rate, value1, [value2, ...])


  • rate: The discount rate or rate of return over one period. This is typically the interest rate or required rate of return for the investment.
  • value1, value2, …: The series of future cash flows, including the initial investment, that are expected to occur at regular intervals.

Note: The ‘rate’ argument should be expressed as a decimal, not a percentage. For example, if the annual interest rate is 10%, the rate argument should be entered as 0.10.


Let’s say a company is considering investing $50,000 in a new project that is expected to generate the following cash flows over the next five years: $10,000 in Year 1, $15,000 in Year 2, $20,000 in Year 3, $25,000 in Year 4, and $30,000 in Year 5. The annual discount rate for the company is 8%.
Using the NPV function, the value of the investment can be calculated as follows:

=NPV(0.08, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000, 30000)

The result would be a positive value of $13,945.21, indicating that the investment is expected to yield a positive return.


  • The cash flows in the NPV function must be in a consistent time period (e.g. annually, semi-annually, quarterly) and should begin at the same time period.
  • If the cash flow series is uneven (e.g. a negative cash flow in one period and a positive cash flow in another), the NPV function will still provide an accurate result.
  • If the NPV function returns a #VALUE error, it may indicate that one of the arguments is not a numerical value or that the rate argument is zero or negative.

Important Notes:

  • The NPV function is only applicable for investments where the cash flows are known and can be estimated with reasonable accuracy.
  • This function does not take into account any potential risks associated with the investment, so it should be used in combination with other financial evaluation tools.
  • The NPV function is sensitive to the discount rate used. A small change in the discount rate can greatly affect the calculated value of the investment.

The VBA NPV function is a powerful tool for evaluating investment opportunities and making informed financial decisions. By considering the time value of money, it allows users to determine the potential profitability of an investment and compare different options. It is important to understand the syntax, arguments, and important notes associated with this function in order to use it effectively in financial analysis.

Understanding VBA NPV Function with Examples

Example 1: Simple NPV Calculation with VBA

Description: In this example, we will use the NPV function in VBA to calculate the net present value of cash flows.

Dim cash_flows As Variant 'Declaring the cash_flows as a variable

cash_flows = Range("A1:A5").Value 'Assigning the cash flow values to the variable

Dim discount_rate As Double 'Declaring the discount rate as a variable discount_rate = 0.1 'Assigning the discount rate value

Dim npv_result As Double 'Declaring the variable that will store the NPV result

npv_result = Application.WorksheetFunction.NPV(discount_rate, cash_flows) 'Using the NPV function to calculate the net present value

Range("B1").Value = npv_result 'Printing the result in cell B1

Explanation: In this code, we first declare the cash_flows variable and assign the values of cash flows to it. Next, we declare the discount_rate variable and assign it the value of 0.1 as an example. Then, we declare the npv_result variable which will be used to store the result of the NPV function. In the last step, we use the NPV function to calculate the net present value of the cash flows with the specified discount rate and assign it to the npv_result variable. Finally, we print the result in cell B1. This simple example shows how the NPV function can be used in VBA to calculate the present value of cash flows.

Example 2: NPV Calculation with User Input for Cash Flows and Discount Rate

Description: In this example, we will use the NPV function in VBA to calculate the net present value of cash flows with user input for the cash flows and discount rate.

Dim cash_flows As Variant 'Declaring the cash_flows as a variable cash_flows = InputBox("Enter the cash flows separated by comma") 'Getting user input for the cash flows

Dim discount_rate As Double 'Declaring the discount rate as a variable discount_rate = InputBox("Enter the discount rate") 'Getting user input for the discount rate

Dim npv_result As Double 'Declaring the variable that will store the NPV result

npv_result = Application.WorksheetFunction.NPV(discount_rate, cash_flows) 'Using the NPV function to calculate the net present value

MsgBox "The net present value is: " & npv_result 'Printing the result in a message box

Explanation: In this code, we first declare the cash_flows variable and use the InputBox function to get user input for the cash flows. Next, we declare the discount_rate variable and use the InputBox function again to get user input for the discount rate. Then, we declare the npv_result variable which will be used to store the result of the NPV function. In the last step, we use the NPV function to calculate the net present value of the cash flows with the user input for the discount rate and cash flows. Finally, we use the MsgBox function to display the result in a message box. This example shows how the NPV function can be used with user input to calculate the present value of cash flows in VBA.

Example 3: Using NPV Function in a Loop for Multiple Cash Flow Scenarios

Description: In this example, we will use the NPV function in a loop to calculate the net present value for multiple cash flow scenarios.

Dim discount_rate As Double 'Declaring the discount rate as a variable discount_rate = 0.1 'Assigning the discount rate value

For i = 1 To 5 'Looping through 5 scenarios

npv_result = Application.WorksheetFunction.NPV(discount_rate, Range("A" & i)) 'Using the NPV function to calculate the net present value for each scenario

Range("B" & i).Value = npv_result 'Printing the result in column B for each scenario

Next i 'Move to the next scenario

Explanation: In this code, we first declare the discount_rate variable and assign it the value of 0.1. Then, we use a For loop that will loop through 5 scenarios (specified by For i = 1 to 5). In each loop, the NPV function is used to calculate the net present value for the cash flows in cell A1, A2, A3, A4, and A5 respectively.
The result is then printed in column B for each scenario. This example shows how the NPV function can be used in a loop to calculate the present value of multiple cash flow scenarios in VBA.

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Categories: VBA FunctionsTags: , , , Last Updated: September 30, 2023

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