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The VBA MacScript function is a powerful tool for automating tasks on a Mac through Microsoft Excel. It allows VBA code to access and run AppleScript and shell script commands, thus providing a way to interact with native Mac applications and system resources. This function plays an important role in cross-platform automation and integration, as it enables users to execute codes in a specific operating system without having to switch windows or use separate applications.

VBA MacScript Function – Purpose, Syntax and Arguments


The main purpose of the MacScript function is to allow VBA code to access and run AppleScript or shell script commands in a Mac environment. This function provides a way to automate tasks and interact with native Mac applications and system resources without the need for additional software or applications.


The syntax for the MacScript function is as follows:


where ‘scriptText’ is the AppleScript or shell script command to be executed.


  • scriptText: This is a required argument that specifies the AppleScript or shell script command to be executed. The ‘scriptText’ argument can be a string representing a single command or multiple commands separated by line breaks.


Suppose we want to automate the process of creating a new folder on the desktop in a Mac environment using VBA. We can use the MacScript function to run the ‘mkdir’ command in shell script, as follows:

Sub CreateFolder()
    Dim folderName As String
    'get input from user for folder name
    folderName = InputBox("Enter folder name:")
    'execute shell script command using MacScript function
    MacScript "do shell script ""mkdir ~/Desktop/" & folderName & """"
End Sub

In this example, the ‘do shell script’ command is wrapped in double quotes to accommodate the input from the user for the folder name.

Remarks and Important Notes

  • The MacScript function is only available in a Mac environment and cannot be used on Windows systems.
  • It is important to note that the MacScript function does not provide any error handling. Therefore, any errors encountered in the shell script or AppleScript commands will not be caught by the VBA code.
  • When using the MacScript function, the code will be run in the context of the current script editor, which can be either Microsoft Excel or Visual Basic Editor. This means that variables and functions defined in the current script editor can be used in the AppleScript or shell script commands.
  • In order to use the MacScript function, the Mac must have the latest version of Microsoft Office for Mac installed.

Understanding VBA MacScript Function with Examples

Example 1: Displaying a Message Box with VBA MacScript Function

In this example, we will use the VBA MacScript function to display a simple message box on a Mac. The message box will contain a prompt and the user will have to click an “OK” button to close it.

'VBA Code to display a message box on Mac
Sub DisplayMacMessage()
Dim msg as String
msg = "Welcome to the world of VBA MacScript Function!"
MacScript("tell app ""System Events"" to display dialog """ & msg & """ with title """ & "Message" & """")
End Sub


  1. Sub DisplayMacMessage(): This is a VBA subroutine or sub procedure that we will execute to display the message box.
  2. Dim msg as String: This declares a variable named “msg” as string data type. We will use this variable to store the message that we want to display.
  3. msg = “Welcome to the world of VBA MacScript Function!”: This is the actual message that we want to display in the message box. You can change this message to whatever you want.
  4. MacScript(“tell app “”System Events”” to display dialog “”” & msg & “”” with title “”” & “Message” & “”””): This is the VBA MacScript function statement that will display the message box. The MacScript function takes a string expression as its argument and executes it as an AppleScript code. In the code, we are telling the “System Events” application to display a dialog with the specified message (stored in the “msg” variable) and title (“Message”).

Example 2: Opening an Application Using VBA MacScript Function

In this example, we will use the VBA MacScript function to open the “Calculator” application on a Mac.

'VBA Code to open an application on Mac
Sub OpenMacApplication()
MacScript("tell application ""Calculator"" to activate")
End Sub


  1. Sub OpenMacApplication(): This is a VBA subroutine or sub procedure that we will execute to open the application.
  2. MacScript(“tell application “”Calculator”” to activate”): This is the VBA MacScript function statement that will open the “Calculator” application. The MacScript function executes the specified string expression as an AppleScript code, which in this case is telling the “Calculator” application to activate.

Example 3: Checking if an Application is Running Using VBA MacScript Function

In this example, we will use the VBA MacScript function to check if the “Safari” application is running on a Mac. If it is running, a message box will be displayed. If it is not running, then the application will be opened.

'VBA Code to check if an application is running on Mac
Sub CheckMacAppStatus()
    Dim app as String
    app = "Safari"
    If MacScript("tell application ""System Events"" to count (every process whose name is ""Safari"")") > 0 Then
        MsgBox app & " is running!"
        MacScript("tell application """ & app & """ to activate")
    End If
End Sub


  1. Sub CheckMacAppStatus(): This is a VBA subroutine or sub procedure that we will execute to check the application status.
  2. Dim app as String: This declares a variable named “app” as string data type. We will use this variable to store the name of the application that we want to check.
  3. If MacScript(“tell application “”System Events”” to count (every process whose name is “”Safari””)”) > 0 Then: This is a conditional statement that checks if there is any process with the name “Safari” running using the VBA MacScript function. If the result is greater than 0 (meaning that there is at least one process with the name “Safari” running), then the “MsgBox” function will display a message indicating that the application is running.
  4. MsgBox app & ” is running!”: This is the message that will be displayed if the application is running.
  5. Else: This is the alternative statement that will be executed if the condition is not met.
  6. MacScript(“tell application “”” & app & “”” to activate”): This is the VBA MacScript function statement that will open the application if it is not running. The MacScript function executes the specified string expression as an AppleScript code, which in this case is telling the “Safari” application to activate.

Example 4: Sending Keystrokes to an Application Using VBA MacScript Function

In this example, we will use the VBA MacScript function to send keystrokes to the “TextEdit” application on a Mac.

'VBA Code to send keystrokes to an application on Mac
Sub SendMacKeystrokes()
    MacScript("tell application ""TextEdit"" to activate")
    MacScript("tell application ""System Events"" to keystroke ""Hello World!""")
End Sub


  1. Sub SendMacKeystrokes(): This is a VBA subroutine or sub procedure that we will execute to send keystrokes to the application.
  2. MacScript(“tell application “”TextEdit”” to activate”): This is the VBA MacScript function statement that will activate the “TextEdit” application.
  3. MacScript(“tell application “”System Events”” to keystroke “”Hello World!”””): This is the VBA MacScript function statement that will send keystrokes to the application. The MacScript function executes the specified string expression as an AppleScript code, which in this case is telling the “System Events” application to keystroke “Hello World!”.

Example 5: Controlling a Mac Application Using VBA MacScript Function

In this example, we will use the VBA MacScript function to control the “iTunes” application on a Mac. We will use the function to play a song, pause it and set the volume to maximum.

'VBA Code to control a Mac application
Sub ControlMacApp()
    MacScript("tell application ""iTunes"" to activate")
    MacScript("tell application ""System Events"" to click UI element ""Play"" of toolbar 1 of window 1")
    MacScript("tell application ""System Events"" to click UI element ""Pause"" of toolbar 1 of window 1")
    MacScript("tell application ""System Events"" to set value of slider 1 of group 1 of splitter group 1 of window 1 to 100") '100 is the maximum volume
End Sub


  1. Sub ControlMacApp(): This is a VBA subroutine or sub procedure that we will execute to control the application.
  2. MacScript(“tell application “”iTunes”” to activate”): This is the VBA MacScript function statement that will activate the “iTunes” application.
  3. MacScript(“tell application “”System Events”” to click UI element “”Play”” of toolbar 1 of window 1″): This is the VBA MacScript function statement that will click on the “Play” button in the toolbar of the “iTunes” window.
  4. MacScript(“tell application “”System Events”” to click UI element “”Pause”” of toolbar 1 of window 1″): This is the VBA MacScript function statement that will click on the “Pause” button in the toolbar of the “iTunes” window.
  5. MacScript(“tell application “”System Eve
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Categories: VBA FunctionsTags: , , , Last Updated: September 30, 2023

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