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The LCase function in VBA is used to convert a string to its lowercase equivalent. It is a built-in function, which means it is readily available for use in VBA code without the need for any additional references or libraries.

VBA LCase Function – Purpose, Syntax and Arguments

The LCase function is used to manipulate strings in VBA programming. It can be useful when comparing strings or when string case consistency is required. With the LCase function, developers can easily convert uppercase letters to lowercase, which can help simplify string comparisons and improve the accuracy of VBA code.




  • string: This is a required argument and represents the string that will be converted to lowercase.


Let’s take a look at a simple example of how the LCase function can be used in VBA code:

Sub Example()
    Dim myString As String
    myString = "HELLO WORLD"
    MsgBox "Uppercase string: " & myString
    myString = LCase(myString)
    MsgBox "Lowercase string: " & myString
End Sub

In this example, we declare a variable called “myString” and assign it the value of “HELLO WORLD”. We then use the MsgBox function to display the original string in uppercase. Next, we use the LCase function to convert the string to its lowercase equivalent and assign it back to the same variable. Finally, we use the MsgBox function again to display the updated string in lowercase.


  • The LCase function only converts letters to lowercase. All non-alphabetic characters, such as numbers and symbols, will remain unchanged.
  • If an empty string is passed as an argument to the LCase function, it will return an empty string as the result.
  • The LCase function is not case-sensitive, which means that it will work on both uppercase and lowercase strings.
  • If the string passed to the LCase function is longer than 32,700 characters, an error will occur.

Important Notes:

  • The LCase function only works on strings. If you pass any other data type, such as a number or a date, as an argument, an error will occur.
  • The LCase function is part of the VBA string manipulation functions and can be used in conjunction with other string functions, such as Left, Right, and Mid, to manipulate strings in various ways.

The LCase function in VBA is a useful tool for converting strings to lowercase. It can help improve the accuracy of string comparisons and ensure consistency in string case. It is easy to use and can be applied in various scenarios. With the information provided in this blog post, you should now have a good understanding of the LCase function, its syntax, arguments, and how to use it in your VBA code.

Understanding VBA LCase Function with Examples

Example 1: Basic Usage

Let’s say you have a list of words in your Excel worksheet that are accidentally in all uppercase letters. It can be time-consuming to manually change each one to lowercase, especially if you have a large dataset. This is where the LCase function comes in handy.

   Sub Basic_Usage()
      Dim str As String
      str = Range("A1").Value  'assuming the first word is in cell A1
      Range("B1").Value = LCase(str)
   End Sub
  1. The Dim statement is used to declare a variable named str as a String data type.
  2. The value in cell A1 is assigned to the variable str using the Range property.
  3. The Range(“B1”).Value property is used to assign the lowercase version of str to cell B1 using the LCase function.

When you run this code, the word in cell A1 will be converted to lowercase and the result will be displayed in cell B1. You can then copy this formula to the rest of your dataset to quickly convert all the uppercase words to lowercase.
The LCase function is used to convert any given string to lowercase letters. It takes one argument, the string that you want to convert, and returns the lowercase version of that string.

Example 2: Handling Non-String Values

The LCase function is designed to convert only string values to lowercase. If you try to use it on a non-string value, such as a number or a date, it will return an error.

   Sub Non_String_Values()
     Dim num As Double
     num = Range("A1").Value  'assuming the number is in cell A1
     Range("B1").Value = LCase(num)
   End Sub
  1. In this example, the Dim statement declares a variable named num as a Double data type.
  2. The value in cell A1 is assigned to the variable num using the Range property.
  3. However, when the LCase function is applied to num, it returns an error because it is not a string value.

To avoid this error, you can use the CStr function to convert the non-string value to a string before using the LCase function.

   Sub Non_String_Values_Fixed()
     Dim num As Double
     num = Range("A1").Value  'assuming the number is in cell A1
     Range("B1").Value = LCase(CStr(num))
   End Sub
  1. In this updated code, the CStr function is used to convert num to a string before applying the LCase function.
  2. This will ensure that the function runs smoothly and the output will be the lowercase version of the number in cell A1.

Example 3: Using With Other Functions

The LCase function can also be combined with other functions to achieve desired results. For example, you may want to convert the first letter of a string to uppercase, while keeping all other letters in lowercase. This can be done by using the Left function to extract the first letter and the Right function to extract the rest of the string, converting them to their respective cases, and then combining them back together.

 Sub First_Letter_Uppercase()
   Dim str As String
   str = Range("A1").Value  'assuming the word is in cell A1
   Range("B1").Value = UCase(Left(str, 1)) & LCase(Right(str, Len(str) - 1))
 End Sub
  • In this code, the Len function is used to find the length of the string in cell A1, which is then subtracted by 1 to get the remaining letters.
  • The first letter is extracted using the Left function and is converted to uppercase using the UCase function.
  • The remaining letters are extracted using the Right function and are converted to lowercase using the LCase function.
  • Both the converted strings are then combined using the & operator and the result is displayed in cell B1.

This code will give you the desired output of Example when the input in cell A1 is example.
The LCase function can also be used in conjunction with other functions like InStr, Mid, LeftB, and RightB to manipulate strings and achieve various tasks.


The LCase function is an extremely useful tool in VBA for converting string values to lowercase. It can be used in a variety of ways to save time and effort when working with strings in Excel. It is important to remember that it converts only string values and may need to be used with other functions to handle non-string values. With a good understanding of how this function works, you can efficiently manipulate your data and achieve your desired results.

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Categories: VBA FunctionsTags: , , , Last Updated: September 30, 2023

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