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The VBA Join function is a string manipulation function that is used to join the elements of an array into a string, with a specified character separating each element. It is often used in conjunction with the ‘Split’ function, which separates a string into an array based on a specified delimiter. The Join function performs the opposite action, combining the elements of an array into a single string.

VBA Join Function – Purpose, Syntax and Arguments


The main purpose of the Join function in VBA is to simplify the process of combining the elements of an array into a single string. This can be useful when working with large datasets or when manipulating strings in a VBA program. It also allows for more flexibility in terms of formatting and adding separators between the elements.


The basic syntax for the Join function is:

Join(SourceArray, Optional Delimiter)


  • SourceArray: This is a required argument and represents the name of the array that the function will join together.
  • Delimiter: This is an optional argument and represents the character or string that will be used to separate each element in the resulting string. If omitted, the default delimiter is a space.


Suppose we have an array named ‘numbers’ containing the numbers 1, 2, and 3. We can use the Join function to combine these numbers into a single string, using a comma as the delimiter.

Dim numbers(2) As Integer
numbers(0) = 1
numbers(1) = 2
numbers(2) = 3
Dim numString As String
numString = Join(numbers, ",") 'numString is now "1,2,3"


  • The elements of the array being joined can be of any data type, but they will all be converted to strings in the process. If a non-string element is encountered, it will be converted to its string representation before being added to the resulting string.
  • The Join function can only be used with one-dimensional arrays. If a multi-dimensional array is passed as the ‘SourceArray’ argument, an error will occur.
  • If the ‘Delimiter’ argument is specified, it will be used to separate each element in the resulting string. If omitted, the elements will be separated by a space.
  • If an empty array or a null value is passed as the ‘SourceArray’ argument, the Join function will return an empty string.

Important Notes:

  • The Join function is not exclusive to VBA and can also be used in other programming languages such as JavaScript or Python.
  • For large arrays or when working with complex data types, using the Join function can offer significant performance improvements over traditional string concatenation methods.
  • The Join function is case-sensitive, meaning that if there are lowercase and uppercase elements in the array, they will be joined in their original form.

Understanding VBA Join Function with Examples

Example 1: Concatenating Text Strings

Description: The Join function is commonly used to combine or concatenate multiple text strings into a single string. This can be useful when working with large datasets or creating dynamic text output.

Sub ConcatenateStrings()
    Dim text(3) As String
    Dim result As String
    text(0) = "Hello"
    text(1) = "my"
    text(2) = "name"
    text(3) = "is John."
    'Using the Join function to combine the array elements into a single string
    result = Join(text, " ")
    MsgBox result
End Sub
  1. The Join function is used by specifying the array variable and the delimiter to be used for concatenation. In this example, the array variable is ‘text’ and the delimiter is set to a space using the ” “.
  2. The ‘text’ array is then initialized with four string elements – “Hello”, “my”, “name”, and “is John.”
  3. Next, the Join function is used with the specified array and delimiter to concatenate the strings and store the result in the ‘result’ variable.
  4. Finally, a message box is used to display the concatenated string – “Hello my name is John.”

Explanation: The Join function takes in two parameters – the array containing the strings to be joined and the delimiter to be used between the strings. In this case, the Join function combines the elements of the ‘text’ array with a space between each element to create a single string that is then stored in the ‘result’ variable. This allows for easier formatting and manipulation of text strings in VBA.

Example 2: Combining Numbers as Text

Description: In addition to combining text strings, the Join function can also be used to combine numbers as text. This can be helpful when working with numerical data that needs to be converted to a string format.

Sub CombineNumbers()
    Dim numbers(3) As Integer
    Dim result As String
    numbers(0) = 5
    numbers(1) = 10
    numbers(2) = 15
    numbers(3) = 20
    'Using the Join function to combine the array elements into a single string
    result = Join(numbers, " / ")
    MsgBox result
End Sub
  1. Similar to the previous example, the Join function is used to combine the elements of the ‘numbers’ array into a single string.
  2. In this case, the ‘numbers’ array contains four integer values – 5, 10, 15, and 20.
  3. The Join function is used with the specified array and “/” as the delimiter to create a string – “5 / 10 / 15 / 20”.
  4. The concatenated string is then displayed in a message box.

Explanation: In this example, the Join function is used to convert the numerical data in the ‘numbers’ array into a string with a specified delimiter. This allows for easier manipulation and formatting of numeric data within VBA.

Example 3: Grouping Data with a Delimiter

Description: The Join function can also be used to group and separate data with a specified delimiter. This can be helpful when dealing with large datasets that need to be segmented for analysis or processing.

Sub GroupData()
    Dim data(11) As String
    Dim result As String
    data(0) = "Monday"
    data(1) = "Tuesday"
    data(2) = "Wednesday"
    data(3) = "Thursday"
    data(4) = "Friday"
    data(5) = "Saturday"
    data(6) = "Sunday"
    data(7) = "Breakfast"
    data(8) = "Lunch"
    data(9) = "Dinner"
    data(10) = "Snacks"
    data(11) = "Drinks"
    'Using the Join function to group the data with a comma delimiter
    result = Join(data, ", ")
    MsgBox result
End Sub
  1. In this example, the Join function is used to combine the elements of the ‘data’ array into a single string with a comma delimiter.
  2. The ‘data’ array contains values for days of the week and meal categories for a menu.
  3. The Join function creates a string – “Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks, Drinks” – that can be segmented and organized for further analysis and processing.
  4. The string is then displayed in a message box for easy viewing.

Explanation: By using the Join function with a specified delimiter, the data in the ‘data’ array is organized and grouped into a single string. This can be helpful when working with large datasets that need to be segmented and analyzed in different ways.

Understanding the Join function in VBA allows for more efficient and dynamic manipulation and formatting of text and numerical data. By utilizing this function, developers and analysts can easily combine and group data for various purposes, saving time and effort in their coding processes. With the use of the examples provided, readers should now have a better understanding of how the Join function works and how it can be used in their own VBA projects.

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Categories: VBA FunctionsTags: , , , Last Updated: September 30, 2023

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