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The VBA Int function stands for integer and is a built-in function in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). It is used to round down a number to the nearest integer value. This function is useful when dealing with numerical data that needs to be rounded down.

VBA Int Function – Purpose, Syntax and Arguments


The main purpose of the Int function is to convert a decimal number to an integer value by truncating the decimal part of the number. It is commonly used in financial calculations, where the results need to be displayed in whole numbers.



Where ‘Number’ is the numerical value that needs to be rounded down to the nearest integer.


  • Number: This is the numeric value that needs to be rounded down to the nearest integer.


For example, if we have a number 5.63, and we want to round it down to the nearest integer, we can use the Int function as shown below:


The result of this function would be 5, as it has rounded down the decimal part of the number.

Remarks and Important Notes

  • The Int function always rounds the number down, even if the decimal part is larger than 0.5.
  • If the ‘Number’ argument has a value of Null, the Int function will return a null value as well.
  • If the ‘Number’ argument is a string that cannot be converted to a numeric value, the Int function will return an error.
  • If the ‘Number’ argument is less than or equal to 0, the Int function will return 0 as the result.

The VBA Int function is a useful tool for rounding down numerical values in VBA. It is important to note that this function only rounds down and does not consider the decimal part of the number. By understanding the syntax, arguments, and examples provided in this blog post, you can easily incorporate the Int function into your VBA code for more precise calculations.

Understanding VBA Int Function with Examples

The Int function is one such function, which is used to return the integer part of a given number. In this blog post, we will explore the Int function in detail, its syntax, and provide several examples to understand how it can be used in VBA.

Example 1: Getting the integer part of a number

Let’s start with a simple example where we have a number and we want to extract its integer part. Consider the following code snippet:

Dim num As Double
num = 5.89
Int(num) 'returns 5

The above code declares a variable ‘num’ as a ‘Double’ data type and assigns it a value of 5.89. The Int function is then used to get the integer part of num, which is 5. The result is returned and displayed in the immediate window using the ‘Debug.Print’ statement.

  1. The first step is to declare a variable ‘num’ of data type ‘Double’ using the ‘Dim’ statement. A double data type can hold decimal values, making it ideal for this example.
  2. Next, we assign the value 5.89 to ‘num’ using the assignment operator (=).
  3. The Int function is then called with ‘num’ as an argument. This function takes in one argument, which can be a number or an expression that evaluates to a number.
  4. The function then returns the integer part of ‘num’, which is 5 in this case.
  5. Finally, the result is displayed in the immediate window using the ‘Debug.Print’ statement.

Example 2: Using the Int function with negative numbers

The Int function also works with negative numbers, and it follows the same logic as with positive numbers. Consider the code snippet below:

Dim num As Double
num = -7.64
Int(num) 'returns -7

In this example, the variable ‘num’ is assigned a value of -7.64, and the Int function is used to get the integer part, which is -7. As you can see, the Int function only returns the integer part and ignores the decimal part. This makes it useful for rounding off numbers as we will see in the next example.

Example 3: Rounding off numbers using the Int function

The Int function can be used to round down numbers to the nearest integer. Consider the code below:

Dim num As Double
num = 5.7
Int(num) 'returns 5

In this example, the variable ‘num’ is assigned a value of 5.7, and the Int function returns the integer part, which is 5. This is because the Int function always rounds down to the nearest integer. So, any decimal values of 5.5 and above will be rounded down to the nearest lower integer, and any decimal values less than 5.5 will be rounded down to the same integer. Let’s see how this can be useful in the next example.

Example 4: Using the Int function with expressions

The Int function can also be used with expressions, making it more versatile. Consider the following code snippet:

Dim num1 As Double
Dim num2 As Double
num1 = 5.7
num2 = 3.2
Int(num1 / num2) 'returns 1

In this example, two variables, ‘num1’ and ‘num2’, are declared and assigned values of 5.7 and 3.2, respectively. The Int function is then used to get the integer part of the expression ‘num1/num2’, which is 5.7 divided by 3.2, resulting in 1. The Int function follows the same logic as in previous examples and returns the integer part of the result, which is 1. This can be useful for calculating averages, where you only need the integer part of the result.

Example 5: Using the Int function with the For Loop

The Int function can also be used within a loop to perform a specific task multiple times. Consider the following example:

Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 10
  Int(i / 2) 'returns the integer part of each number from 1 to 10 divided by 2
Next i

In this example, a ‘For Loop’ is used to iterate from 1 to 10, and the Int function is used to get the integer part of each number divided by 2. The result is displayed in the immediate window using the ‘Debug.Print’ statement. This can be useful in scenarios where you need to perform a calculation multiple times and only need the integer part of the result.


In conclusion, the Int function is a useful tool in VBA that can be used to extract the integer part of a given number. It is versatile and can be used with multiple data types, including expressions and within loops. It is important to note that the Int function always rounds down to the nearest integer, making it useful for rounding off numbers and calculating averages. Understanding the syntax of this function and its various use cases can help you automate tasks more efficiently in VBA. We hope this blog post has provided you with a better understanding of the Int function and how it can be used in your VBA projects.

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Categories: VBA FunctionsTags: , , , Last Updated: September 30, 2023

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