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The VBA GetSetting function is a built-in function in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) that is used to retrieve a specific setting or value from the Windows registry. It allows you to access any settings that were previously saved using the ‘SaveSetting’ function. This function can be used for various purposes such as storing user preferences, configurations, and application settings.

VBA GetSetting Function – Purpose, Syntax and Arguments


GetSetting(appname, section, key[, default])


  • appname: This is a required argument that specifies the name of the application or project containing the setting you want to retrieve.
  • section: This is a required argument that specifies the section in which the setting is stored.
  • key: This is a required argument that specifies the name of the setting or value that you want to retrieve.
  • default: This is an optional argument that specifies the default value to return if the specified setting is not found. If this argument is omitted, the default value is an empty string (“”).


Suppose we have an application called “Sales Report” that saves the user’s preferred color for the interface using the ‘SaveSetting’ function. We can retrieve the saved color using the following code:

Dim color As String
color = GetSetting("Sales Report", "UserSettings", "InterfaceColor", "Blue")

In this example, the GetSetting function will return the value of the “InterfaceColor” key stored in the “UserSettings” section of the “Sales Report” application. If the key is not found, it will return the default value (in this case “Blue”).


The GetSetting function can only retrieve values that were previously saved using the ‘SaveSetting’ function. It cannot retrieve values directly from the Windows registry. Also, the settings or values stored using the GetSetting function are specific to the current user and cannot be accessed by other users or applications.

Important Notes:

  • The GetSetting function is only available in VBA, and it cannot be used in other programming languages.
  • The settings retrieved using this function are stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings, in the Windows registry.
  • If you want to store a setting for all users on a specific computer, you can use the ‘SaveSetting’ function with the ‘appname’ argument set to “All Users”.
  • It is recommended to use the GetSetting function within an error-handling routine, as it can cause an error if the specified setting is not found.

The GetSetting function in VBA is a useful tool for retrieving saved settings and values from the Windows registry. It enables applications to remember user preferences and configurations, improving the overall user experience. With its simple syntax and optional default value, it provides developers with an easy way to access saved settings without having to directly manipulate the registry.

Understanding VBA GetSetting Function with Examples

Example 1: Retrieving a File Path from the Windows Registry

The GetSetting function is a built-in VBA function that allows you to retrieve settings from the Windows registry. This can be useful when you need to retrieve a file path or any other user-specific information that is stored in the registry. Let’s take a look at an example where we will retrieve a file path using the GetSetting function.

    Dim filePath As String
    filePath = GetSetting("MyApp", "Settings", "FilePath")
    MsgBox "The file path is: " & filePath
  1. First, we declare a variable filePath as a string data type to store the retrieved value.
  2. In the next line, we use the GetSetting function and pass in three parameters – “MyApp” (application name), “Settings” (section name), and “FilePath” (key name).
  3. The “MyApp” parameter specifies the name of the application or project that the setting belongs to. This is used to organize settings for different applications within the same registry hive.
  4. The “Settings” parameter specifies the name of the section within the registry where the setting is located. This is used to organize settings within an application.
  5. The “FilePath” parameter specifies the name of the key that holds the setting we want to retrieve.
  6. Once the value is retrieved, it is assigned to the filePath variable.
  7. Finally, we use a MsgBox function to display the retrieved file path in a message box.

In this example, the GetSetting function is used to retrieve a file path that is stored in the registry. This can be useful in situations where the file path may change frequently, such as when working with dynamic data or files stored in different locations.

Example 2: Setting a Default Value if Setting does not Exist

The GetSetting function also allows you to specify a default value to be returned if the setting you are trying to retrieve does not exist in the registry. Let’s take a look at an example where we will retrieve a font size but also specify a default value to be used if the font size setting does not exist.

    Dim fontSize As Integer
    fontSize = GetSetting("MyApp", "Settings", "FontSize", 12)
    MsgBox "The font size is: " & fontSize
  1. In this example, we declare a variable fontSize as an integer data type.
  2. We use the GetSetting function and pass in four parameters – “MyApp” (application name), “Settings” (section name), “FontSize” (key name), and 12 (default value).
  3. If the font size setting does not exist in the registry, the default value of 12 will be assigned to the fontSize variable.
  4. Otherwise, the value retrieved from the registry will be assigned to the fontSize variable.
  5. We use a MsgBox function to display the retrieved font size in a message box.

This example showcases the flexibility of the GetSetting function in handling situations where a particular setting may not exist in the registry. By specifying a default value, we can ensure that our code will not break if the setting is not found.

Example 3: Updating a Setting in the Windows Registry

The GetSetting function not only allows you to retrieve settings from the registry but also to update them. Let’s take a look at an example where we will update a setting using the GetSetting function.

    Dim newFilePath As String
    newFilePath = "C:\NewFile.txt"
    SaveSetting "MyApp", "Settings", "FilePath", newFilePath
  1. In this example, we first declare a variable newFilePath and assign a new file path to it.
  2. We then use the SaveSetting function and pass in four parameters – “MyApp” (application name), “Settings” (section name), “FilePath” (key name), and newFilePath (value to be saved).
  3. This will update the file path setting in the registry to the new value that we have assigned to the newFilePath variable.

This example demonstrates how the GetSetting function can be used to update settings in the Windows registry. This can be useful when you need to update settings dynamically based on user input or changes within your application.


The GetSetting function is a useful tool for retrieving and updating settings in the Windows registry. It provides a straightforward and efficient way to access user-specific information stored in the registry and can be a valuable addition to any VBA project.

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Categories: VBA FunctionsTags: , , , Last Updated: September 30, 2023

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