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The VBA Fix function is a built-in function in Excel VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) that returns the integer portion of a specified number. It rounds the number down to the nearest integer and truncates the fractional part. This function is commonly used for converting a number with decimal places into a whole number.

VBA Fix Function – Purpose, Syntax and Arguments


The Fix function is used to return the integer part of a number which is useful when working with data that requires whole numbers. It can be used in various applications such as financial calculations, statistical analysis, and data manipulation.


The syntax for the Fix function is as follows:


Where ‘Number’ is the value or expression that you want to convert to an integer.


  • Number: Required. The number or expression that you want to truncate and return the integer portion of. It can be a positive or negative number and can also be in the form of a cell reference or a range of cells.


Let’s say we have a list of average test scores in column A with the first score in cell A2. We want to find the integer portion of these scores and display them in column B. We can use the following code to achieve this:

Sub FixFunction()
Dim i As Integer
Dim totalRows As Long
'Get the total number of rows
totalRows = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
'Loop through each row in column A
For i = 2 To totalRows
'Use the Fix function to truncate the number and return the integer part
Cells(i, 2).Value = Fix(Cells(i, 1).Value)
Next i
End Sub

When we run this code, the test scores in column A will be converted into whole numbers in column B. For example, a score of 8.75 in cell A2 will be rounded down to 8 in cell B2.

Remarks and Important Notes:

  • The Fix function only works on numbers and cannot be used on text or empty cells. If you try to use it on a non-numeric value, the function will return a ‘Type Mismatch’ error.
  • This function behaves differently depending on the input value. If the number is positive, it will be rounded down. If the number is negative, it will be rounded up.
  • The Fix function is similar to the ‘Int’ function, but there is one key difference. The Fix function always returns an integer that is less than or equal to the input value, while the ‘Int’ function always rounds down to the nearest integer that is less than the input value. For example, Fix(5.9) returns 5, whereas Int(5.9) returns 6.
  • If you want to round a number to a specific number of decimal places, you can use the ‘Round’ function instead of the Fix function.

In conclusion, the VBA Fix function is a useful tool for truncating numbers and returning the integer part. It rounds down the number and can be used in a variety of applications. Understanding the usage and behavior of this function is important for working with numerical data efficiently in Excel VBA.

Understanding VBA Fix Function with Examples

Basic Usage of VBA Fix Function

Public Sub basicUsage()
Dim num As Double
Dim result As Double
num = 12.34
'The Fix function is used here
result = Fix(num)   
'Displays 12
MsgBox result       
End Sub

The Fix function is a VBA function that returns only the integer portion of a given number. In the example above, we have declared a variable ‘num’ as a double and assigned it the value of 12.34. Then, using the Fix function, we have assigned the integer portion of ‘num’ to another variable ‘result’. Finally, we have used the MsgBox function to display the value of ‘result’, which is 12. This is because the Fix function has rounded down the number to the nearest integer.

Using Fix Function with Negative Numbers

Public Sub negativeNumberExample()
Dim num As Double
Dim result As Double
num = -12.34
'Fix function used here
result = Fix(num)   
'Displays -12
MsgBox result       
End Sub

The Fix function also works with negative numbers. In the above example, we have assigned the value of -12.34 to the variable ‘num’ and used the Fix function to get the integer portion of the number. Even though the number is negative, the Fix function simply removes the decimal portion and returns the integer value. So, the value displayed by the MsgBox function is -12.

Using Fix Function with String Value

Public Sub stringExample()
Dim str As String
Dim result As Double
str = "Hello World"
'Fix function used here
result = Fix(str)   
'Displays 0
MsgBox result       
End Sub

The Fix function can also be used to convert a string value to an integer. However, since the function is designed to work with numbers, it returns a value of 0 when a string is passed as an argument. In the above example, we have assigned the string value “Hello World” to the variable ‘str’ and used the Fix function to convert it to an integer. The MsgBox function will display 0.

Using Fix Function with Date Value

Public Sub dateExample()
Dim current As Date
Dim result As Double
'Assigns current date and time to 'current' variable
current = Now               
'Fix function used here
result = Fix(current)       
'Displays the integer value of the current date
MsgBox result               
End Sub

The Fix function can also be used with date values. As dates are represented as decimal numbers in VBA, the Fix function simply removes the decimal portion and returns the integer value. In the above example, we have stored the current date and time in the variable ‘current’ using the Now function. Then, we have used the Fix function to get the integer value of the current date. This value will be displayed by the MsgBox function.

Using Fix Function with Empty or Null Values

Public Sub nullExample()
Dim empty As Double
Dim nullVal As Variant
Dim result1 As Double
Dim result2 As Double
'Assigns Empty value to 'empty' variable
empty = vbEmpty                
'Assigns Null value to 'nullVal' variable
nullVal = Null                 
'Fix function used with Empty value
result1 = Fix(empty)           
'Fix function used with Null value
result2 = Fix(nullVal)         
'Displays 0 for both values
Debug.Print result1, result2    
End Sub

When the Fix function is used with empty or null values, it returns 0. In the above example, we have declared a variable ’empty’ and assigned the value vbEmpty (which represents an empty value) to it. Similarly, the variable ‘nullVal’ is assigned the value Null (which represents an unknown or undefined value). When the Fix function is used with these values, it simply returns 0. This can be seen by using the Debug.Print statement to display the results.

Using Fix Function with Mathematical Operations

Public Sub mathExample()
Dim num1 As Double
Dim num2 As Double
Dim result1 As Double
Dim result2 As Double
num1 = 10.5
num2 = 5.5
'Fix function used to get integer quotient
result1 = Fix(num1 / num2)    
'Using integer division operator to achieve the same result
result2 = ((num1 - num2) \ num2)
Debug.Print result1, result2
End Sub

The Fix function is often used in mathematical operations to get the integer portion of the result. This can be seen in the above example, where we have two variables ‘num1’ and ‘num2’ assigned the values of 10.5 and 5.5 respectively. Using the Fix function to divide these two values, we get the integer quotient of 2. Similarly, using the integer division operator (//), we can achieve the same result as seen in the code. The Debug.Print statement displays the results of both operations as 2.

Explanation of the Fix Function

The Fix function is a type conversion function in VBA, which is used to return the integer portion of a given number. This function can be applied to any numeric data type, including double, integer, long, and byte. It takes only one argument, which can be a number or a numeric expression.
When the Fix function is used with a positive number, it simply removes the decimal portion and returns the integer value. However, if the number is negative, the function rounds down the number to the nearest integer. If the argument passed to the function is not a number or a string that cannot be converted to a number, it returns 0.
In conclusion, the Fix function is a useful tool in VBA for performing mathematical operations that require only the integer portion of a given number. It can also be used with strings and dates, although the results may vary depending on the input. By understanding the basic usage and examples of the Fix function, you can easily incorporate it into your VBA code for more efficient and accurate calculations.

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Categories: VBA FunctionsTags: , , , Last Updated: September 30, 2023

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