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The VBA CSng function is used to convert a given value into a Single data type. This function is useful when you want to perform mathematical operations on a value that is stored as a string or any other non-numeric data type. It can also be used to compare values that are stored in different data types.

VBA CSng Function – Purpose, Syntax and Arguments




Expression: This is a required argument and can be any valid expression that you want to convert to a Single data type. It can be a string, number, date, or any other data type.


Suppose we have a column of values in an Excel spreadsheet that are stored as text instead of numbers. We want to perform mathematical operations on these values, but since they are stored as text, we cannot do so directly. This is where the CSng function comes in handy.
Let’s say our values are stored in cells A1 to A5 and we want to convert them to a Single data type and then add them all together. Our code would look something like this:

Dim total As Single
total = CSng(Range("A1").Value) + CSng(Range("A2").Value) + CSng(Range("A3").Value) + CSng(Range("A4").Value) + CSng(Range("A5").Value)
MsgBox "The total is: " & total

In this example, the CSng function is used to convert each cell value to a Single data type, which allows us to add them together and get the total. Without using the CSng function, we would get a type mismatch error.


  • This function returns a Single data type, which is a floating-point number with a precision of up to seven digits.
  • If the expression provided to the CSng function cannot be converted to a Single data type, an error will occur.
  • The CSng function is similar to the CDbl function, which converts a value to a Double data type. The main difference between the two is the precision of the data type.

Important Notes:

  • The CSng function is not compatible with the VBScript language, so it cannot be used in scripts that are written in VBScript.
  • When using the CSng function, it is important to consider the potential loss of precision due to the limited number of digits in a Single data type. If precision is crucial, it may be better to use the CDbl function instead.
  • It is good practice to explicitly declare the data type of your variables in VBA. This ensures that any type mismatches are caught during the development stage, rather than causing errors at runtime.

In conclusion, the VBA CSng function is a useful tool for converting values to a Single data type, allowing for mathematical operations and comparisons between different data types. It is important to understand its purpose, syntax, and potential limitations in order to use it effectively in your VBA code.

Understanding VBA CSng Function with Examples

Converting a String to a Single

Description: The CSng function in VBA is used to convert a string or any other data type into a single data type. A single data type can store decimal numbers with a precision of up to seven digits. It is useful in scenarios where we need to perform mathematical operations on a string that contains numeric values. For example, if we have a string that contains a currency value, we can use the CSng function to convert it into a single data type and then perform calculations on it.

Option Explicit
Dim strNumber As String
Dim sngNumber As Single
strNumber = "123.45"
sngNumber = CSng(strNumber)
  1. The ‘Option Explicit’ statement is used to force the declaration of all variables in the code. This helps in avoiding any errors in the code due to misspelled variable names.
  2. We declare two variables, ‘strNumber’ as a string and ‘sngNumber’ as a single.
  3. The string variable ‘strNumber’ is assigned a value of “123.45”. Note that the decimal separator used in VBA is a period (.) and not a comma (,).
  4. The ‘CSng’ function is then used to convert the string ‘strNumber’ into a single data type and store it in the variable ‘sngNumber’.

Explanation: In this example, the CSng function is used to convert a string containing a numeric value into a single data type. This allows us to perform mathematical operations on the converted value. The ‘CSng’ function takes the string as an argument and returns a single data type. In this case, the string “123.45” is converted into the single value 123.45 and stored in the variable ‘sngNumber’. We can then use this variable to perform calculations, such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing, with other single data types.

Converting an Integer to a Single

Description: The CSng function is not only limited to converting strings to single data types, but it can also convert other data types like integers to single. This is useful when we need to perform calculations on integer values that may result in decimal values. Converting them to single data type allows us to retain the decimal values and avoid any loss of precision.

Option Explicit
Dim intNumber As Integer
Dim sngNumber As Single
intNumber = 5
sngNumber = CSng(intNumber)
  1. The ‘Option Explicit’ statement and the variable declarations are the same as the previous example.
  2. In this example, the integer variable ‘intNumber’ is assigned a value of 5.
  3. The ‘CSng’ function is used to convert the integer value into a single data type and store it in the variable ‘sngNumber’.

Explanation: In this example, we can see how the CSng function can be used to convert integer values to single data types. The integer value 5 is converted into a single data type with a value of 5.0. This allows us to retain the decimal value and avoid any loss of precision. We can then use this single value to perform calculations involving decimal values.

Handling Error Values

Description: The CSng function can also handle error values in VBA. Sometimes, when working with data, we may come across unexpected error values. These can occur when the input data is not in the correct format or is missing altogether. In such cases, the CSng function can be used to convert these error values into single data types, allowing us to perform calculations on them.

Option Explicit
Dim strNumber As String
Dim sngNumber As Single
strNumber = "ABC"
sngNumber = CSng(strNumber)
MsgBox "The converted single value is: " & sngNumber
  1. The ‘Option Explicit’ statement and the variable declarations are the same as the previous examples.
  2. In this example, the string value assigned to the variable ‘strNumber’ is “ABC”. This is not a valid numeric value and will cause an error if we try to convert it to a single data type.
  3. We use the ‘CSng’ function to convert the string into a single data type and store it in the variable ‘sngNumber’.
  4. A message box is displayed to show the converted single value. In this case, the converted value will be 0, as “ABC” cannot be converted into a numerical value.

Explanation: The CSng function can handle error values by returning a single value of 0. This is useful when we are working with data that may have unexpected error values. Instead of encountering an error, the CSng function will convert the error value into a single and return a manageable value. In this example, the string “ABC” cannot be converted into a numeric value, but the CSng function converts it to 0, allowing the code to continue without any errors.

Using the CSng Function in a Loop

Description: Another useful application of the CSng function is when we need to perform conversions on a large set of data. In such cases, we can use the CSng function within a loop to convert multiple values at once. This can help in saving time and writing more efficient code.

Option Explicit
Sub ConvertToSingle()
Dim strNumbers(5) As String
Dim sngNumbers(5) As Single
Dim i As Integer
strNumbers(0) = "1.2"
strNumbers(1) = "3.45"
strNumbers(2) = "6.78"
strNumbers(3) = "9.0"
strNumbers(4) = "12.34"
strNumbers(5) = "15.67"
For i = 0 To 5
sngNumbers(i) = CSng(strNumbers(i))
Next i
End Sub
  1. The ‘Option Explicit’ statement and the variable declarations are the same as the previous examples.
  2. In this example, we have an array of strings ‘strNumbers’ with six values. These could represent data from a larger dataset.
  3. We create an array of single data types ‘sngNumbers’ with the same number of elements as the string array.
  4. A ‘For’ loop is used to iterate through the string array and assign each converted single value into the single array.

Explanation: In this example, the CSng function is used in a loop to convert multiple strings into single data types. This can be useful when dealing with large sets of data that need to be converted into single values. Here, the loop iterates through the six elements in the string array and converts them using the CSng function, storing the converted values in the single array. This allows us to quickly and efficiently convert a large number of values at once.
In conclusion, the CSng function in VBA is a powerful tool that can be used to convert strings and other data types into single data types. It is useful in scenarios where we need to perform calculations on numeric values stored as strings. The CSng function handles error values and can be used in loops, making it an essential function to have in our coding toolbox.

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Categories: VBA FunctionsTags: , , , Last Updated: September 30, 2023

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