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The VBA CLngLng function is used to convert a given expression into a long long integer data type. This function is particularly useful when working with large numbers that may exceed the range of a regular long data type.

VBA CLngLng Function – Purpose, Syntax and Arguments




expression: This is the value or expression that will be converted into a long long integer data type.


Dim myNum As Double
myNum = 1234567890123456789
'Outputs: 1234567890123456789
Debug.Print CLngLng(myNum)


  • The CLngLng function is only available in VBA for 64-bit versions of Microsoft Office. For 32-bit versions, the equivalent function is CLngLong.
  • The range of values that can be stored in a long long integer is from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807.
  • If the expression cannot be converted into a long long integer, a run-time error will occur.

Important Notes:

  • The CLngLng function may not be supported by other programming languages or applications outside of VBA.
  • Converting numbers into a long long integer can result in data loss if the original number is larger than the range of the data type.

The CLngLng function in VBA is a valuable function for working with large numbers. It allows for the conversion of values into a data type with greater range and precision, helping to avoid data loss and errors. In this blog post, we explored the description, syntax, arguments, example, remarks, and important notes of the CLngLng function. With this understanding, we can confidently use this function in our VBA projects when dealing with large numbers.

Understanding VBA CLngLng Function with Examples

CLngLng Function in Basic Syntax

Description: The CLngLng function in VBA is used to convert a given expression into a long data type. This function is useful when the expression contains a value that exceeds the range of the integer data type. The basic syntax for using the CLngLng function is as follows:

Dim result As Long
result = CLngLng(expression)

Code Explanation: The above code first declares a variable “result” as a long data type. Then, the value of the expression is converted into a long data type using the CLngLng function and assigned to the result variable.

CLngLng Function with Numeric Values

Description: In this example, we will use the CLngLng function to convert numeric values, both positive and negative, into a long data type.

Dim num1 As Long
num1 = CLngLng(123.456)
'displays 123
MsgBox num1
Dim num2 As Long
num2 = CLngLng(-789.123)
'displays -789
MsgBox num2

Code Explanation: The code first declares two variables “num1” and “num2” as long data types. Then, the CLngLng function is used to convert the given decimal numbers into long data types. Finally, the converted values are displayed using the MsgBox function.

CLngLng Function with String Values

Description: The CLngLng function also works with string values, as long as the string contains only numeric characters. Non-numeric characters will result in an error.

Dim str As String
str = "456"
Dim result As Long
result = CLngLng(str)
'displays 456
MsgBox result

Code Explanation: In this example, a string “str” is declared and assigned the value “456”. Then, the CLngLng function is used to convert the string into a long data type, and the result is displayed using the MsgBox function.

CLngLng Function with Empty String

Description: If the string passed to the CLngLng function is empty, it will return the value 0.

Dim str As String
str = ""
Dim result As Long
result = CLngLng(str)
'displays 0
MsgBox result

Code Explanation: In this example, the string “str” is empty, and the CLngLng function converts it into a long data type. The result is displayed using the MsgBox function, which displays 0 as the result.

CLngLng Function with Non-Numeric String

Description: If the string passed to the CLngLng function contains non-numeric characters, it will result in an error.

Dim str As String
str = "abc123"
Dim result As Long
'throws an error
result = CLngLng(str)

Code Explanation: In this example, the string “str” contains both alphabets and numbers. When the CLngLng function tries to convert it into a long data type, it throws an error since the string contains non-numeric characters.

CLngLng Function with Integer Overflow

Description: The CLngLng function is useful when dealing with large numbers that exceed the range of integer data type. It can handle values up to 9.2 quintillion (9,223,372,036,854,775,807).

Dim num As Long
num = 10000000000
'displays -1
MsgBox num
'displays -1
MsgBox CLngLng(100000000000)

Code Explanation: In this example, the value of the “num” variable exceeds the range of the integer data type, and it displays -1 instead of the actual value. However, when the same value is passed to the CLngLng function, it can convert it into a long data type and display the correct value.

CLngLng Function with Expressions

Description: The CLngLng function can also be used with expressions that evaluate to numeric values.

Dim x As Double
x = 10.5
Dim y As Double
y = 5.5
Dim result As Long
result = CLngLng(x * y)
'displays 57
MsgBox result

Code Explanation: In this example, the variables “x” and “y” are declared as double data types and assigned values. Then, the CLngLng function is used to convert the product of x and y into a long data type, and the result is displayed using the MsgBox function.


The CLngLng function in VBA is used to convert an expression into a long data type. It is helpful in handling large numbers that exceed the range of the integer data type and can also be used with string values that contain only numeric characters. It is an essential function to be familiar with for any VBA programmer as it allows for more flexibility in handling data types.

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Categories: VBA FunctionsTags: , , , Last Updated: September 30, 2023

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