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The VBA CByte function is used to convert a value into a Byte data type. This function is useful when working with large numbers as the Byte data type can store integer values ranging from 0 to 255. It is a type conversion function, which means it allows you to convert a value from one data type to another.

VBA CByte Function – Purpose, Syntax and Arguments


The main purpose of the CByte function is to convert a value into the Byte data type to allow for efficient storage and manipulation of numbers in VBA code. It can also be used to convert strings that represent numbers into Byte data type for use in calculations.


The basic syntax for using the CByte function is as follows:


The expression can be a literal value, variable, or any valid VBA expression that evaluates to a numeric value.


The expression argument is required and represents the value that will be converted into the Byte data type.

  • expression: This can be a literal value, variable, or any valid VBA expression that evaluates to a numeric value.


Let’s say we have a variable num with a value of 300. If we want to convert this value into the Byte data type, we can use the CByte function in the following way:

Dim num As Integer
num = 300
'convert using CByte function
num = CByte(num)

The resulting value of num will now be 44, as the Byte data type can only store values ranging from 0 to 255. This means that any values greater than 255 will return a remainder of the value divided by 256.


  • The CByte function can only be used with numeric values. If a string is provided as the argument, an error will be returned.
  • When converting a decimal value to Byte data type, the decimals will be truncated. For example, if the value is 3.7, the resulting value will be 3.
  • If the value being converted is larger than the maximum value that can be stored in a Byte data type (255), an error will be returned.

Important Notes:

  • The CByte function is often used in conjunction with other VBA functions such as CInt, CLng, and CSng to convert values into different data types based on the specific needs of the code.
  • It is good practice to use the CByte function when working with large numbers in VBA to avoid any potential errors and improve performance.
  • It is important to remember that the Byte data type can only store integer values and cannot be used for storing decimal values.

Understanding VBA CByte Function with Examples

Example 1: Basic Syntax

Sub CByte_Basic()
    Dim num As Integer
    Dim result As Byte
    num = 255 ' Assigning value to num variable
    result = CByte(num) ' Converting num to Byte datatype
    MsgBox "The result is: " & result ' Displaying the result
End Sub
  1. The CByte() function converts a numeric expression into a Byte data type.
  2. In the above code, we first declare two variables – num as an integer type and result as a Byte type.
  3. We assign the value 255 to the num variable. This is a valid value for an integer type but it is out of range for a Byte type.
  4. On the next line, we use the CByte() function to convert the num variable to a Byte type and store the result in the result variable.
  5. The MsgBox function is then used to display the result on a message box.
  6. The result in this example will be “The result is: 255”. The CByte function converted the integer value of 255 to a valid Byte value and stored it in the result variable.

The basic syntax of using the CByte() function is CByte(numeric_expression). The numeric_expression parameter can be any valid numeric value such as integer, long, single or double.

Example 2: Using with If statement

Sub CByte_If()
    Dim num As Integer
    Dim result As Byte
    num = InputBox("Enter a value:") ' Prompt user to enter a value
    result = CByte(num)
    If result = 255 Then
        MsgBox "The value entered is out of range."
        MsgBox "The value entered is within range."
    End If
End Sub
  1. In this example, we have used the InputBox function to prompt the user to enter a value.
  2. The value entered by the user is then stored in the num variable.
  3. Next, the CByte() function is used to convert the num variable into a Byte type and store it in the result variable.
  4. The If statement is then used to check if the converted value is equal to 255, which is the upper limit for a Byte type.
  5. If the converted value is equal to 255, then a message is displayed saying that it is out of range. Otherwise, a message is displayed saying that it is within range.

This example shows how the CByte() function can be used with the If statement to check if a value falls within the range of a Byte type.

Example 3: Handling Errors

Sub CByte_Error()
    Dim num As String
    Dim result As Byte
    num = "Hello" ' Assigning string value to num variable
    result = CByte(num)
    MsgBox "The result is: " & result ' This line will not be executed
    MsgBox "No errors encountered." ' This line will be executed
End Sub
  1. In this example, we have intentionally assigned a string value (“Hello”) to the num variable, which is not a valid numeric value.
  2. When the CByte() function tries to convert this string value to a Byte type, it will encounter an error.
  3. This is because the CByte function can only convert numeric values, and it will not be able to convert a string value.
  4. To handle this error, VBA provides us with the On Error statement.
  5. The On Error statement is used to enable error-handling within a procedure and it has various modes such as Resume, Resume Next and GoTo.
  6. In this example, we have not used the On Error statement, so VBA will automatically display an error message and stop the code execution.
  7. The MsgBox function on the next line will not be executed, and the code will terminate.
  8. To prevent this from happening, we can use the On Error Resume Next statement before the line that can cause an error, and the code will continue to execute even if it encounters an error.
  9. This way, we can handle the error and prevent the code from stopping abruptly.

The CByte() function is commonly used when working with control structures such as If statements, Do loops and Select Case statements. It is also useful when converting data types to match the requirements of a particular procedure. For example, some procedures might only accept Byte values, so you can use the CByte() function to convert other data types to Byte values before passing them as arguments.


The CByte() function is a useful tool for converting numeric values to Byte data type in VBA. It allows us to convert values that are out of range for a Byte type and also helps in error handling. By understanding the syntax and usage of the CByte() function, we can effectively use it in our VBA projects to perform various tasks.

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Categories: VBA FunctionsTags: , , , Last Updated: September 30, 2023

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