Project Management Templates

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What are the Tasks in Project Planning?

Tasks in Project Planning are set of activities which we execute to deliver a Project. A Project is further divided into smaller Tasks. And each Task in a Project assigns to available Resource.So, identifying of tasks and ordering the task in order to complete the project are key steps in Project Plan Preparation. Set of Tasks in a Project creates a Phase. Project Managers Plan the Tasks with clear thinking to meet each milestone of a Project.

What should be included in the Project Plan Template?

Here are the important elements included in Project Plans Templates. Mangers can create Project Plan Templates using below fields. We can add list of tasks in a project and assign to a person or a team to finish the task.

We will mark each task with unique Task ID and mention the Task name of every record of the Project Tasks. This helps to easily refer the Project Task and Create Quick Reports and Visualization to monitor the status of Project.

And Every Task in the Project will be assigned to one or more persons in the team to execute and deliver the outputs. Resource assigned to each task is fully responsible to understand the task description and deliver the outputs as per the due date.

Tasks of projects will have the strict deadline to start and finish the task. Project Manager and Team Members will understand the requirement and decide the timelines and days required to develop and complete a task.

And Each Task in a Project requires different skill sets and years of experience to execute and deliver the task outputs. This is depending on the complexity level of the Task. Team Leads will identify the right people in the team to handle more complex jobs.

Also, Project Tasks scheduled based on the priority of each task. High priority tasks completes initially. Team members or Team Lead updates Status of the task and the % of Task completion on a daily bases by .  And this will help to calculate the overall Progress of the Project and status of each task.

We will face many issues while executing the projects. We communicate with clients. Also, learns many new things while executing a task. We can document all this important information in the Project Plans Templates for each Task.

Key Fields in Project Plan Templates

Here are the important fields which we include in the Project Plan Templates. You can use these field to effectively manage your projects. And you can prepare Project Management Tools and Templates using the below task fields.

  • Task ID Field: Project Task ID is the unique identification number of a Task. It can be a number or string.
  • Task Name Field: Project Task Name is quick reference of the Activity. This help the teams understand the activity to complete.
  • Task Description Field: Project Task description is brief information about the activity.
  • Task Assigned To Field: Task Assigned To is Resource filed who is responsible to execute and complete the task.
  • Start Date of a Task: Start Date of the Works flow of an activity.
  • Task Duration Field: Task Duration is Number of hours or days required to complete an activity.
  • End Date Field of a Task: End Date or Due Date of the Task completed.
  • Task Complexity Field: Task Complexity is Level of complexity of a given activity.
  • Predecessors Field: Predecessors are Tasks which we finish before staring an activity.
  • Task Priority Field: Task Priority, we complete the Tasks which are in High Priority. Task Order of the Task which we complete.
  • Dependencies Field: Dependencies are the relationship among tasks helps to order the list of tasks..
  • %Progress Field of Task: %Progress or percentage of work completed or % of Task completed.
  • Status Field of Task: Status Task is Actual Status and Progress of the Task (Open, New, In Progress, Completed, On Hold, Cancelled)
  • Planned Hours Field: Planned hours are Estimated hours by Project Development Teams to complete a task.
  • Actual Hours Field: Actual hours spent to finish the task.
  • Task Remarks Field: Task Remarks are Important notes, remarks and leanings of a task
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Last Updated: August 2, 2023

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