MOM Format: Minutes of Meeting Excel Template helps for gathering project requirements. Meeting Minutes Template Excel is one of the most important tasks in project development life cycle. Minutes of meeting excel template (MOM) is used to jot-down all the points discussed in the project initiation meeting. And It helps both developer and clients to record the requirements and to confirm the project requirement is clear at both sides.
You can download this free minutes of meeting excel template and use while working on your real-time projects. This is the first template required when we start working on a new project. Most people maintain their MOM document in Microsoft Excel Templates for project management. It is easy to use and mange if any changes required.
In this topic: You can download free minutes of meeting excel template for project management. And find how to use create Minutes of Meetings using mom minutes of meeting Excel Template.
- Minutes of Meeting Excel Template – Free Download
- What is MOM – Minutes of Meeting
- When to use MOM – Minutes of Meeting Excel Template
- How to create your own MOM – Minutes of Meeting Excel Template
- Why do we need MOM – Minutes of Meeting Excel Template?
- Why do we need MOM – Minutes of Meeting Excel Template?
MOM Format – Sample Screen-shot
Here is the Format of minutes of meeting Excel Template, you can download the file and add your meeting details. (You can download the template at bottom of this article)
And this is a sample screen-shot of minutes of meeting Excel Template: (You can download the template at bottom of this article)
What is MOM Format – Minutes of meeting Template Excel:
MOM stands for minutes of meeting. When we work on any project, MOM Format is a common task that we need to understand the project requirement before start working on the project. Most people use MOM in the Excel, Word Format or sometimes it is simple email.
If you are into the project management, it is better idea to maintain a MOM Template and use whenever you are taking the input for a new project or new requirement from your client.
Why most people recommends MOM (minutes of meeting) in Excel Template Format:
Excel template is easy to create and manage. If you need nay changes you can do it and save this for your future projects. And you can easily add new columns or rows and you can format how ever you want.
How to create MOM Format – minutes of meeting Template in Excel:
MOM (minutes of meeting) in Excel Template which I have provide is good to use for most of the projects.
If you want to create a new template, you can use this sample template as model and change it as per your requirement. You can create MOM from scratch, please note the following points while creating new MOM (minutes of meeting) in Excel Template.
First think if your projects really require a MOM:
If you are handling the projects for your own organization (not for clients) and the tasks are very simple and less time consuming. It is not required to create MOM (minutes of meeting) in Excel Template.
If your projects are taking more than two days or if you are handling complex projects. It is always good idea to have MOM in-place and it should be accessible to all your team members who are all working on that projects.
- Think what are the different steps in your projects to add in minutes of meeting Excel Template
- Think what are the different steps you need to record in minutes of meeting Excel Template for future use
- If your requirement gathering is having more than one phase, then you need to format minutes of meeting Excel Template in such a way to capture the points more than one time.
- Always include these fields in minutes of meeting Excel Template: Project Name, Date of creation, Members attended for the Project initiation meeting and Remarks field
- If your project initiation is phase-wise then add these fields in minutes of meeting Excel Template: Updated On, KT Given By
- Always add this field at end of the minutes of meeting Excel Template: Created by, Created On
- You can protect your worksheet in Meeting Minutes Template Excel,so that others can’t modify it
When to use MOM – Meeting Minutes Template Excel:
Generally after every project initiation meeting. Once you complete your meeting with your client, it is quite possible that you forget many points which you have discussed and raised with your clients. So, it is always a good practice to jot down the important points (as much as possible). and prepare the MOM with in an hour and send to your client for confirmation that your understanding is correct.
MOM (minutes of meeting) Excel Template is a Life saver for Developers, Leads, Managers and Clients: Why?
In many cases MOM (minutes of meeting) Excel Template helps Developers, Leads, Managers and Clients to save their time and help successfully complete their projects. Imagine the following scenarios:
- You are a Projects Lead or Manager, you attended the project initiation meeting and understand the requirement to share with your team. and the project has to deliver in given time. What if you need to take urgent leave? what is you need to attend another important meeting in another branch of your organization. There are many cases, you may required to leave for something urgent to you. So, maintaining MOM document for every project is always a good practice. And it helps you to easily explain the project requirement to your team members
- Imagine your client get back to you with a email saying that ‘this is not what I required from you!’. What proofs you have to answer your management, if your client escalates this issue with your senior management. So, MOM helps you to save your job in such a situations
- What if you have asked some additional information from your client and they forgot to send it you. It is quite possible if your client is busy, he may forgot sometimes. So, MOM helps you and your client manage your project with required information to delver it on-time.
Minutes of meeting Excel Template Free Download
You can download the minutes of meeting Excel Template and share your feedback with us.
Info: Minutes of Meeting Template helps you to track the points discussed and agreed in project or team meetings. You can change the default data and formula to meet your needs.
Usage : We generally use MOM template in every meeting related to a project or team discussions. It helps Customers/ Stakeholders and project team to understand points discussed in the meetings and use it as reference documents for the next meeting. This will also act as reference document for the development team while delivering the outputs as per the point agreed in the meetings.
Minutes of Meeting Excel Template – Free Download
Following is the professional version of the Minutes of Meeting Excel Template, you can download and use it for your Project Meetings.
MOM Format: MOM Template- Free Download
This is the simple version of the MOM Template, you can download and use it for your Project Meetings.
We are proving Free Microsoft Office templates and creating best excel templates for free. All these new excel templates and excel macro templates will work on all the versions of the Microsoft Excel. You can save the templates in Excel 2003 Template format (.xls or .xlt). And you can also save the templates in Excel 2007, Excel 2010 or Excel 2013 (.xlsx or .xltx).
Please note, .xlt and .xltx are template file formats. The template we are preparing are saving in this formats. All excel spreadsheet templates which we are developing are mostly macro free. However, when we want to provide more interactive features, we are also developing excel macro templates or excel Files using VBA. Most of these excel spreadsheet templates are free and printable spreadsheets templates. And all these Microsoft office online templates are developed using Excel 2013.
Hope this topic helps you to understand the importance of the MOM Templates in SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) and its use in Project Management. We are trying our best to help you in your project management tasks by creating templates. Feel free to download minutes of meeting Excel Template and please share your feedback with us about our Templates and other stuff in our blog and Forums. You can get wide range of Templates for Keeping Meeting Minutes at Microsoft Design Templates Page.
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You are welcome!