Welcome to Analysistabs® comprehensive resource hub for Project Managers, Excel and VBA enthusiasts! Dive into our extensive collection of Excel VBA codes, projects, and project management templates, all designed to supercharge your efficiency and project success. Whether you’re refining your programming skills, enhancing project workflows, or seeking advanced data analysis tools, our expertly crafted resources are ready to elevate your productivity. Start exploring now to find the perfect solutions for your project management needs!
VBA Split Function
The VBA Split function is a string function that is used to divide a text string into an [...]
VBA Space Function
The VBA Space function is used to generate a string of spaces, with the specified number of spaces [...]
VBA Exp Function
The VBA Exp function is a mathematical function that calculates the exponential value of a given number. In [...]
VBA Abs Function
The VBA Abs function is an essential mathematical function that is used to return the absolute (or positive) [...]
VBA Dir Function
The VBA Dir function is a built-in function in Microsoft Excel and other MS Office applications that returns [...]
VBA FileAttr Function
The VBA FileAttr function is used to retrieve certain attributes of a specified file. These attributes can include [...]
VBA DateAdd Function
The VBA DateAdd function is a built-in function that is used to manipulate date and time values in [...]
VBA CDec Function
The CDec function in VBA stands for "Convert to Decimal" and is used to convert a given expression [...]
VBA FormatCurrency Function
The FormatCurrency function is a powerful VBA tool used to format a numeric value into a currency format. [...]