Advanced VBA Interview Questions and Answers
Advanced VBA Interview Questions will be asked to check your level of expertise in VBA Advanced Concepts. Here are the top most Advanced VBA Questions and Answers covered from Advanced concepts of VBA Programming.
UserForms: UserForms helps to develop GUI (Graphical User Interface) applications.
Class Modules: Class module allows to create new objecs and define methods, properties and events. Also, it will allow to enhance the existing objects.
ByVal: When an argument is passed By Value, the value assigned to the argument is passed to the procedure. And any changes that are made to the argument inside a procedure, it will be lost when the procedure is ends.
ByRef: When an argument is passed By Ref, the actual address assigned to the argument is passed to the procedure. And any changes that are made to the argument inside the procedure will be passed when the procedure ends.
And By Ref is default in VBA.
ADO Objects: Connection, Command, Error, Field, Record, RecordSet, Parameter, Property, Stream
VBScipt: Visual Basic Script is mainly developed for Internet Explorer. Similar to Java-script.
VBA: Visual Basic for Applications is a Macro language available in all MS Office Tools.
VB.NET is a one of the .NET programming language from Microsoft. We can develop COM Add-ins for MS Office using VB.NET or C#.NET.
- MsgBox, InputBox
- Left, Right, Trim, Len
- Mid, InStr, Split
- IsNumeric, Round, Now, Format
TextBox1.Value will read as numeric (integer/long/double)
100+ VBA Interview Questions