Excel Add-in
ANALYSISTABS Version 4.0.0 is releasing today. I have added new utilities to navigate worksheets and enhanced Slider and Widget tools.

New Features

Worksheet Navigation

The following utilities have been added to Quick Tools group. These utilities will help you to quickly navigate your worksheets.

  • Activate Worksheet: To quickly navigate the worksheets in the workbook
  • Hide Sheets: To hide the active worksheet
  • Unhide sheets: To Unhide the hidden worksheet
  • Hide All Sheets: To quickly hide all worksheets in the workbook (except active worksheet)
  • Unhide All Sheets: To quickly unhide all worksheets in the workbook

Worksheet Navigation


I have added amny fetures in this version, now you can customize and do many more things with Slider. And also, now you can show worksheet ranges and Charts in the widgets.

Slider Creator

Now you can customize the slider with many slider options including fading,slider speed, etc.
analysistabs dashboard utilities

  • Fade: Now Slider can fade as similar to the website Sliders
  • Move Header: Now you can move the Heading to different Shapes in the Worksheet
  • Slider Settings: You can control the Slider by unhiding the Columns A:D
Widgets Creator

Now you can create range and Chart widget in Excel.
analysistabs widgets v4

  • Picture Widgets: To show any range as a picture in the widget
  • Chart Widget: To show any chart as widget